Consultancy Opportunity – Study

Consultancy Opportunity – Study

Terms of Reference for Consultants for Research and Study on (Deadline for Expression of Interest on 31st August 2022)

Click and Register Here (Expression of Interest Only Submitted through this Link) * – Click Here

*Note that you will need to use a google email account in order to upload your curriculum vitae

The opportunities and challenges of environmental standards in the development of competitive green value chains in Africa and African standards on governance and security with specific emphasis on the studies listed below –

1. The Benefits of Implementing Harmonized African Standards



2. The opportunities and challenges of development sustainability standards in AU priority sectors



3. The Benefits of Implementing Sustainability Standards



4.  Conduct a benchmarking analysis leading to further engagements with the IFOAM schemes



ARSO and UNECA are jointly implementing a project on “Promoting the adoption of environmental standards to support globally competitive African value chains in the context of the AfCFTA“.


The African Organization for Standardisation (ARSO) is an African intergovernmental organization established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the Organization of African Unity (currently AU) in 1977. The fundamental mandate of ARSO is to develop and harmonize African Standards (ARS) and an African Conformity Assessment System for the purpose of enhancing Africa’s internal trading capacity, increase Africa’s product and service competitiveness globally and uplift the welfare of African communities. The work of preparing African Standards is normally carried out through ARSO technical committees, in liaison with international organizations, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), governmental and non-governmental organizations. Each Member State interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee., This could entail undertaking relevant research with a view to identifying issues that require interventions in order to improve the quality of goods and services   and facilitate trade in the continent.

UNECA was established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) in 1958 as one of the UN’s five regional commissions. ECA’s mandate is to promote the economic and social development of its member States, foster intra-regional integration, and promote international cooperation for Africa’s development.

Previous 28th ARSO General Assembly – Yaounde, Cameroon (2022)

International House, 3rd Floor,
Nairobi, Kenya

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm


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