The President

Immediate Former Presidents

Immediate Former Vice - Presidents

Former ARSO Presidents
Picture Name Country Year
Dr.-J-Ikemefuna-Odumodu ARSO President Dr. Joseph Ikemefuna Odumodu Nigeria 2012 to 2016
Dr.-Kioko-Mangeli Dr. Eng. Kioko Mang’eli Kenya 2009-2012
Mr.-Masai-Girma-EthiopiaPRESIDENT-ARSO-2004-2007 Mr. Masai Girma Ethiopia 2004-2007
Mr.-Austine-S.-Khulumula-Malawi-PRESIDENT-ARSO2001-2003 Mr. Austine S. Khulumala Malawi 2001-2003
ENG.PHILIP-O.-OKUNDI-KENYA-1998-2001 Eng. Phillip O. Okundi Kenya 1998-2000
Mr-Shyam-K.-Gujadhur-Mauritius-PRESIDENT-ARSO-1995-1997 Mr. Shyam K. Gujadhur Mauritius 1995-1997
DR.-EMMANUEL-K.-MARFO-GHANAPresident-1992-1994 Dr. Emmanuel K. Marfo Ghana 1992-1994
M.-Abdoulaye-Toure-Cote-d-voire-PRESIDENT-ARSO-1989-1991 Mr. Abdoulaye Toure Cote d’ Ivoire 1989-1991
Prof.-Dr.-Mohamed-Hilal-Egypt-PRESIDENT-ARSO-1986-1988 Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hilal Egypt 1986-1988
Mr.-Cheikh-Kane-Senegal-ARSO-PRESIDENT-1983-1985 Mr. Cheiku Kane Senegal 1983-1985
DR.-FLETCHER-M.-BANDA-MALAWIPresident-arso-1980-1982 Dr. Fletcher M. Banda Malawi 1980-1982
Dr.-Ademola-BanjoNIGERIAPRESIDENT-ARSO-1977-1979 Dr. Ademola Banjo Nigeria 1977-1979

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Nairobi, Kenya

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

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