Report of PACE-PTS 2013-2014
Report of the final workshop of the PACE-PTS February 23 – 27 2014/2015
Monday, 23rd February 2015, the participants gathered at the White Sands Hotel in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for meet and greet and preparations for the intensive workshop.
Tuesday, 24th February, was dedicated to the technical presentation of the results of the PACE-PTS. After an introduction of all partners, Nsesheye Susan Msinjili and Wolfram Schmidt gave an overview of the framework of the project as well as a comparison to the former proficiency testing scheme, after which the proficiency testing scheme was discussed in terms of applied methods, analyses, thresholds, meaning of results, and precision. Thereafter, the results of the mechanical tests, chemical and physical tests, particle size distribution and suppl. samples were discussed in detail.
In the afternoon, the way forward was discussed. A recurrent topic in the context of using EN standards in Africa is the discussion on how to take into account the higher temperatures. In future proficiency testing schemes, the issue of temperature during testing will play a more focused role. Another item of discussion was the workability, particularly in conjunction with construction chemicals. Future schemes will incorporate a workability test as well as a test to identify admixture interactions. Furthermore individual problems were discussed and possible solutions were addressed.
On Wednesday February 25th, a hands-on workshop at the Tanzania Bureau of standards was arranged. The participants were separated in two groups, one of which visited the different departments of the Tanzania Bureau of Standards, while the other participated in a practical training for testing of water demand, setting, and soundness. Later the two groups were interchanged. In the afternoon the technical workshop continued at the University of Dar es Salaam, with a visit of the laboratories for chemistry, binders, concrete, mechanical testing and structures. During this workshop chemical testing as well as Blaine surface measurements were practically demonstrated to the group.
On Thursday, February 26th a symposium was organised to the public. Experts from different institutions in Africa and Europe reported about relevant scientific research in terms of cement and concrete technologies.
The symposium was opened by Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rogge (BAM, Germany), followed by welcome notes by Dr. John Makunza of the hosting institution University of Dar es Salaam as well as by Kathrin Wunderlich (PTB, Germany).
The technical sessions began with the presentations “Supplementary cementitious materials for sustainable and economic binders – European solutions compared to African solutions” by Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfram Schmidt (BAM, Germany) and “Improving laboratory performance through proficiency testing” by MSc. Nsesheye Susan Msinjili (BAM, Germany), followed by a presentation given by Dr. Kolawole Adisa Olonade (Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria) on the “Use of by-products in construction in Nigeria”.
The next session started with a presentation of Joe Odhiambo (Agrément South Africa) on “Innovative construction systems”. The following presentations were giving “A study on sustainable energy to cement industries in Rwanda” by Dr. Senthil G. Kumaran (College of Science and Technology, Rwanda) and showed the “Potentials for reduction of the carbon footprint of concrete: Case study of copper slag in concrete production” by Prof. Herbert Uzoegbo (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)
After the coffee break the presentations focussed on structural concrete. First Dr. John Makunza (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) gave a presentation on the “Use of thermal insulator paving blocks to combat global warming” before Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rogge (BAM, Berlin) reported about “Experimental Research for Energy Supply Structures”. The final talk was related to “Major structural failure on new roads in Mauritius” and was given by Dr. Loveetah Chummun Bhujohory (Mauritius Bureau of Standards).
The technical week was closed by an excursion to the cement plant of the Tanzania Portland Cement Co. Limited (Twiga Cement), where all participants were given an exciting insight into the production process of cement.