This page provides you with the Current and Previous Work Under each ARSO TCs as provided for in the African Standards Harmonisation Model.
Download the Reference Document of the Principles and Procedures for the Harmonisation of African Standards and Other Deliverables –
DOCUMENT NO: SHP-01 THIRD EDITION, JUNE 2024 [English Version|French Version|Portuguese Version]
Information Provided here is for the Public to Note and Participate in the African Standardisation Activities through commenting and noting the Current List of Standards being harmonised and the Levels at which the Standards i.e. Working Drafts, Committee Drafts, Draft African Standards or Final Draft African Standard
We currently have 90 Technical Committee and Special Working Groups Harmonising African Standards as listed below:
ARSO/TC 01, Metrology
To develop and maintain standards and technical guides pertaining to the design, construction, performance testing, calibration, field response testing and safety considerations for measuring instruments and systems including the following areas: Electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic metrology Mechanics, acoustics and dimensional metrology Thermodynamics, photometry, optics and photonics Dosimetry, radiometry and non-destructive measurements Chemical and biological metrology Instrumentation and calibration coordination.
ARSO/TC 02, Apiculture and pollination services
Standardization of the processes and products in the apiculture industry in particular terminology, codes of practice, guidelines, beekeeping practices, pollination services, specifications, requirements for packaging, storage and transportation and methods of sampling and test.
Equivalent Committees:
ISO/TC 34/SC 19, Bee products
Participating Member States: (1) Botswana; (2) Burkina Faso; (3) Cameroun; (4) Cote d’Ivoire; (5) Egypt; (6) Ethiopia; (8) Gabon; (9) Ghana; (10) Kenya; (11) Mauritius; (12) Nigeria; (13) Rwanda; (14) Senegal; (15) South Africa; (16) Sudan; (17) Tanzania; (18) Uganda; (19) Zambia; (20) Zimbabwe; (21) IGAD Leadership Chairperson: Tanzania (Dr. Mgina Clarence Anthon) Secretary: Botswana Key Information: First 13 standards harmonized in coordination with the African Union-InterAfrican Animal Resources Bureau (AU-IBAR)
Harmonised and Published African Standards
(1) ARS 1401:2018, Crude and refined beeswax — Specification (2) ARS 1402:2018, Beehives — Specification (3) ARS 1403:2018, Extracted honey — Specification (4) ARS 1404:2018, Folding and fixed beehive stands — Specifications (5) ARS 1406:2018, Tangential type honey extractor — Specification (6) ARS 1408:2018, Layout for honey processing plant (7) ARS 1411:2018, Radial type honey extractor — Specification (8) ARS 1414:2018, Fumigant strips for treatment of honeybees (9) ARS 1415:2018, Solar wax extractor — Specification (10) ARS 1416:2018, Beeman’s kit — Specification (11) ARS 1418:2018, Honey processing unit — Technical requirements (12) ARS 1419:2018, Honey — Specification (13) ISO 12824:2016, Royal jelly — Specifications
Standards Under development (1) WD-ARS 1407:2016, Comb foundation sheets — Specification (2) WD-ARS 1409:2016, Comb foundation mill — Specification (3) WD-ARS 1410:2016, Traveling bees-box — Specification (4) WD-ARS 1412:2016, Conservation and maintenance of honeybees (5) WD-ARS 1413:2016, Wasp trap — Specification (6) WD-ARS 1417:2016, Package bee box — Specification (7) WD-ARS 1420:2016, Sustainability criteria for beekeeping and bee products (8) WD-ARS 1421:2016, Bee pollination services — Requirements and guidelines (9) WD-ARS 1422:2016, Organic honey certification — Requirements and guidelines (10) WD-ARS 1423:2016, Propolis, pollen and bee venom — Specifications (11) Sting less honey – specification (12) Hives for stingless bees (13) Code of good practice in honey harvesting
Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 03, Fish, fisheries and aquaculture
Standardization in the field of fisheries and aquaculture including fish, shellfish and fresh, frozen (including quick-frozen) or otherwise processed fish products, in particular terminology, codes of practices, specifications, requirements for packaging, storage and transportation, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 6, Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and their products ISO/TC 234, Fisheries and aquaculture Participating Member States: (1) Angola, (2) Botswana, (3) Burkina Faso, (4) Burundi, (5) Cameroon, (6) DR Congo, (7) Egypt, (8) Ethiopia, (9) Ghana, (10) Kenya, (11) Liberia, (12) Malawi, (13) Mauritius, (14) Madagascar, (15) Morocco, (16) Mozambique, (17) Namibia, (18) Niger, (19) Nigeria, (20) Rwanda, (21) Seychelles, (22) Senegal, (23) South Africa, (24) South Sudan, (25) Sudan, (26) Tanzania, (27) Togo, (28) Uganda, (29) Zambia, (30) Zimbabwe, Observers: (31) Zanzibar, (32) IGAD Leadership
Chairperson: Nigeria – Dr Olalekan Oguntade, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography & Marine Research (NIOMR)
Secretary: Nigeria – Moshood Shittu, Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON)
Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 03 1. Working Group 1 – Fish production and Aquaculture (Convenor – Prof. F.K.E.Nunoo (Ghana), Co Convenor – Mrs Zena Issa (Tanzania), Secretary – Mrs Nana(Ghana)) 2. Working Group 2 – Laboratory Analysis, Testing, Inspection and Market compliance (Convenor – Prof. Said Shalaby (Egypt) Secretary – Mr Abass Danbaki (Ghana)) 3. Working Group 3- Fish processing (fish technology and processing) and by products (Convenor – Dr. Lawrence Abbey (Ghana) Secretary – Mrs Owojori Eluyemi (Nigeria))
Harmonised and Published African Standards
1. ARS 61:1986(Codex Stan 094:1981(2018))(SADC HT 78:2017), Sardines and sardine-type products — Canned — Specification 2. ARS 121:1989 (CAC/RCP 10:1976), Code of practice of canned fish 3. ARS 122:1984 (CAC/RCP 25:1979) (EAS 898:2017), Code of practice of smoked fish 4. ARS 1106:2018, Tilapia production aquaculture farms — Good aquacultural practices 5. ARS 1107:2018, Freshwater aquatic animal production farms — Good aquaculture practices
Standards Under development
(1) ARS 61:1986(Codex Stan 094:1981(2018))(SADC HT 78:2017), Sardines and sardine-type products — Canned — Specification
(2) ARS 91:1986 (ISO 858:1973), Fishing nets — Designation of netting yards in the Tex system
(3) ARS 96:1986 (ISO 1107:1974), Fishing nets — Netting — Basic terms and definitions
(4) ARS 97:1986 (ISO 1530:1973), Fishing nets — Description and designation of knotted netting
(5) ARS 98:1986 (ISO 1531:1973), Fishing nets — Hanging of netting — Basic terms and definitions
(6) ARS 121:1989 (CAC/RCP 10:1976), Code of practice of canned fish
(7) ARS 122:1984 (CAC/RCP 25:1979) (EAS 898:2017), Code of practice of smoked fish
(8) ARS 411:1985 (ISO 3660:1976), Fishing nets — Mounting and joining of netting — Terms and illustrations
(9) ARS 1106:2018 (SADC HT 88:2017), Tilapia production aquaculture farms — Good aquacultural practices
(10) ARS 1107:2018, Freshwater aquatic animal production farms — Good aquaculture practices
(11) DARS-1110-1-2023 Dried small sardine and sardine-type pelagic fish — Part 1 Freshwater
(12) DARS-1110-2-2023 Dried small sardine and sardine-type pelagic fish — Part 2 Dried anchovies 2
(13) DARS 1110-3-2023, Dried small sardine and sardine-type pelagic fish – Part 3 Boiled dried salted anchovies
(14) WD-ARS 1111:2022 (CXS 222:2001(2021) (EAS 870:2017), Crackers from marine and freshwater fish, crustacean and molluscan shellfish — Specification
(15) WD-ARS 1112:2022 (EAS 871:2017)(SADC HT 86:2017), Fish sausages — Specification
(16) WD-ARS 1113:2022 (EAS 872:2017), Frozen octopus — Specification
(17) WD-ARS 1114:2022 (EAS 873:2017), Frozen tuna loins — Specification
(18) WD-ARS 1115:2022 (EAS 874:2017), Processing and handling of prawns or shrimps — Code of practice
(19) WD-ARS 1116:2022 (CXS 92:1981(2017)) (EAS 875:2017), Quick frozen prawns or shrimps — Specification
(20) WD-ARS 1117:2022 (CXS 311:2013(2018)) (EAS 876:2017)(SADC HT 84:2017), Smoked fish, smoke-flavoured and smoke-dried fish — Specification
(21) WD-ARS 1118:2022, Fresh frozen prawns/shrimps — Specification
(22) WD-ARS 1119:2022, Dried prawns/shrimps — Specification
(23) WD-ARS 1120-1:2022 (EAS 827:2016)(SADC HT 81:2017), Fresh and frozen fin fish — Part 1: Whole fish — Specification
(24) WD-ARS 1120-2:2022 (EAS 831:2016), Fresh and frozen fin fish — Part 2: Fish fillet — Specification
(25) WD-ARS 1121:2022 (EAS 828:2016)(SADC HT 85:2017), Dried and dry-salted fish — Specification
(26) WD-ARS 1122:2022 (CXS 95:1981(2017)), Quick frozen lobsters — Specification
(27) WD-ARS 1123:2022 (CXS 37:1991(2018)), Canned shrimps or prawns — Specification
(28) WD-ARS 1124:2022, Fresh, frozen and canned sardines and sardine-type products — Specification
(29) WD-ARS 1125-1:2022, Canned fish — Part 1: Fish canned in tomato sauce — Specification
(30) WD-ARS 1125-2:2022, Canned fish — Part 2: Fish canned in brine — Specification
(31) WD-ARS 1125-3:2022, Canned fish — Part 3: Fish canned in oil — Specification
(32) WD-ARS 1126:2022 (CAC/RCP 52:2003(2019)), Code of practice for fish and fishery products
(33) WD-ARS 1127:2022, Code of practice for salted fish
(34) WD-ARS 1128-1:2022 (EAS 62-1:2017), Fish handling, processing and distribution — Code of practice — Part 1: Fresh fish handling and processing
(35) WD-ARS 1128-2:2022 (EAS 62-2:2000), Fish handling, processing and distribution — Code of practice — Part 2: Code of hygiene for the handling, processing, storage and the placing in the market of fish and fishery products
(36) WD-ARS 1129:2022, Code of practice for the handling, processing, storage and distribution of molluscan shellfish
(37) WD-ARS 1130:2022, Canned clam meat — Specification
(38) WD-ARS 1131:2022, Code of hygienic practice on commercial fishing vessels
(39) WD-ARS 1132-1:2022, Test methods for fish and fishery products — Part 1: Collection and storage of samples for analysis
(40) WD-ARS 1132-3:2022, Test methods for fish and fishery products — Part 3: Determination of parasites in finfish by candling
(41) WD-ARS 1132-4:2022, Test methods for fish and fishery products — Part 4: Determination of total, inorganic and organic mercury
(42) WD-ARS 1132-5:2022, Test methods for fish and fishery products — Part 5: Determination of selenium
(43) WD-ARS 1132-7:2022, Test methods for fish and fishery products — Part 7: Determination of lead by atomic absorption spectrophotometry
(44) WD-ARS 1132-8:2022, Test methods for fish and fishery products — Part 8: Determination of organochlorides, pesticides, PCBS, and PCB congeners
(45) WD-ARS 1133:2022 (EAS 829:2016), Transport of live fish seeds for inland pisciculture purposes — Code of practice
(46) WD-ARS 1134:2022 (CXS 70:1981(2018)), Canned tuna and bonito in water or oil — Specification
(47) WD-ARS 1135:2022 (CXS 90:1981(2018)), Canned crab meat — Specification
(48) WD-ARS 1136:2022(CXS 003e:1981(2013)), Canned salmon — Specification
(49) WD-ARS 1137:2022 (CXS 36:1981(2017)), Quick frozen finfish, eviscerated or uneviscerated — Specification
(50) WD-ARS 1138:2022, Transport of fresh water aquarium fish — Code of practice
(51) WD-ARS 1139:2022 (CXS 165:1989(2017)), Quick frozen blocks of fish fillets, minced fish flesh and mixtures of fillets and minced fish flesh — Specification
(52) WD-ARS 1140:2022 (CXS 166:1989(2017)) (EAS 830:2016), Quick frozen fish sticks (fish fingers), fish portions and fish fillets — Breaded or in batter — Specification
(53) WD-ARS 1141:2022 (CXS 167:1989(2018)), Salted fish and dried salted fish of the Gadidae Family of fishes — Specification
(54) WD-ARS 1142:2022 (CXS 189:1993), Dried shark fins — Specification
(55) WD-ARS 1143:2022 (CXS 190:1995(2017)) (SADC HT 83:2017), Quick frozen fish fillets — General specification
(56) WD-ARS 1144:2022 (CXS 191:1995), Quick frozen raw squid — Specification
(57) WD-ARS 1145:2022 (CXS 244:2004(2018)), Salted Atlantic herring and salted sprat — Specification
(58) WD-ARS 1146:2022 (CXS 292:2008(2015)), Live and raw bivalve molluscs — Specification
(59) WD-ARS 1147:2022, Code of practice for the processing and handling of quick frozen foods
(60) WD-ARS 1148:2022, Code of hygienic practice for lobsters
(61) WD-ARS 1149:2022, Code of hygienic practice for smoked fish
(62) WD-ARS 1150:2022, Code of hygienic practice for crabs
(63) WD-ARS 1151:2022 (CXC 30:1983), Code of hygienic practice for the processing of frog legs
(64) WD-ARS 1152:2022 (CXG 48:2004), Model Certificate for Fish and Fishery Products
(65) WD-ARS 1153:2022 (CXC 31:1999), Guidelines for the sensory evaluation of fish and shellfish in laboratories
(66) WD-ARS 1154:2022, Code of practice for frozen battered and or breaded fishery products
(67) WD-ARS 1155:2022, Pomfret canned in oil — Specification
(68) WD-ARS 1156:2022, Prawns/shrimp canned in brine — Specification
(69) WD-ARS 1157:2022, Frozen frog legs — Specification
(70) WD-ARS 1158:2022, Shark liver oil for veterinary use — Specification
(71) WD-ARS 1159:2022 (EAS 897:2017), Frozen lobster tails — Specification
(72) WD-ARS 1160:2022 (EAS 899:2017), Tuna canned in oil — Specification
(73) WD-ARS 1161:2022, Fresh pomfret — Specification
(74) WD-ARS 1162:2022, Frozen whole pomfret — Specification
(75) WD-ARS 1163:2022, Sardine oil — Specification
(76) WD-ARS 1164:2022, Lactarius spp canned in oil — Specification
(77) WD-ARS 1165:2022, Frozen seer fish (Scomberomorus spp.) — Specification
(78) WD-ARS 1166:2022, Fresh seer fish (Scomberomorus spp.) — Specification
(79) WD-ARS 1167:2022, Crab meat canned in brine — Specification
(80) WD-ARS 1168:2022, Fish species of economic importance — Glossary
(81) WD-ARS 1169:2022, Solid packed crab meat — Specification
(82) WD-ARS 1170:2022, Frozen cuttle fish and squid — Specification
(83) WD-ARS 1171:2022 (EAS 895:2017), Fish protein concentrate — Specification
(84) WD-ARS 1172:2022, Edible fish powder — Specification
(85) WD-ARS 1173:2022, Mussels canned in oil — Specification
(86) WD-ARS 1174:2022, Tuna canned in curry — Specification
(87) WD-ARS 1175:2022, Frozen minced fish meat — Specification
(88) WD-ARS 1176:2022, Fish and fisheries products — Methods of sampling
(89) WD-ARS 1177:2022, Beche-de-mer — Specification
(90) WD-ARS 1178:2022, Frozen clam meat — Specification
(91) WD-ARS 1179:2022, Fish pickles — Specification
(92) WD-ARS 1180:2022, Cured fish and fishery products — Processing and storage — Code of practice
(93) WD-ARS 1181:2022, Fish processing industry — Water and ice — Technical requirements
(94) WD-ARS 1182:2022, Fish industry — Operational cleanliness and layout of market — Guidelines
(95) WD-ARS 1183-1:2022, Code of hygienic conditions for fish industry — Part 1: Pre-processing stage
(96) WD-ARS 1183-2:2022, Code of hygienic conditions for fish industry — Part 2: Canning stage (97) WD-ARS 1184:2022, Fresh, frozen and canned mackerel — Specification
(98) WD-ARS 1185:2022, Fresh and frozen threadfin — Specification
(99) WD-ARS 1186:2022, Accelerated freeze dried prawns (shrimps) — Specification
(100) WD-ARS 1187:2022, Fishing nets — Specification (101) WD-ARS 1188:2022, Compounded trout fish feeds
(102) WD-ARS 1189:2022 (CXS 312:2013(2017)), Live abalone and raw fresh chilled or frozen abalone for direct consumption or for further processing
(103) WD-ARS 1190:2022, Canned hake (Cape cod) — Specification
(104) WD-ARS 1191:2022, Production of frozen fish, marine molluscs
(105) WD-ARS 1192:2022, Canned fish, canned marine molluscs and canned crustaceans (106) WD-ARS 1193:2022, Thermal process control in low-acid fish canning factories (107) WD-ARS 1197:2022 (CXS 315:2014(2017)), Fresh and frozen scallop — Specification (108) WD-ARS 1198:2022, Canned shellfish — Specification — General (109) WD-ARS 1126:2022, Fresh seaweeds (Rhodophyceae) — Specification (110) WD-ARS 1763:2022, Dried seaweeds (Rhodophyceae) whole and ground — Specification (111) WD-ARS 1764:2022, Carrageenan — Food grade — Specification (112) WD-ARS 1765:2022, Seaweeds (Rhodophyceae) production farms — Good aquaculture practices (113) WD-ARS 1766:2022, Dried Sea cucumber/Beche-de-mer — Specification (114) WD-ARS 1767:2022, Canned Sea cucumber/Beche-de-mer — Specification (115) WD-ARS 1768:2022, Sea cucumber/Beche-de-mer production farms — Good aquaculture practices (116) WD-ARS 1769:2022, Methods for the determination of zinc, iron and calcium in dried fish (117) WD-ARS 1770:2022, Standard for catfish feed (118) WD-ARS 1771:2022, Standard for tilapia fish feed (119) WD-ARS 1772:2022, Standard for fish feed concentrate (120) WD-ARS 1773:2022, Standard for fish feed premix (121) WD-ARS 1774:2022, Wet fish maw — Specification (122) WD-ARS 1775:2022, Dry fish maw — Specification (123) WD-ARS 1776:2022, Test method for cadmium in fish and fishery products (124) Codex Stan 291:2010(2018), Standard for Sturgeon caviar (125) Codex Stan 119:1981(2018), Standard for canned finfish (126) WD-ARS 1777:2022, Grilled fish e.g. grilled tilapia, grilled skewered fish (fish khebab) (127) WD-ARS 1778:2022, Powdered fish / powdered shrimps (128) WD-ARS 1779:2022, Fish nuggets (129) WD-ARS 1780:2022, Glossary of potentially poisonous fishes (130) WD-ARS 1781:2022 (EAS 896:2017), Code of practice for fried fish and fish meal (131) WD-ARS 1782:2022, Good manufacturing practices (GMP) for small and medium-sized traditional fish products processing establishments (132) WD-ARS 1783:2022, Good manufacturing practices at aquaculture processing plants (133) WD-ARS 1784:2022, Technical guidelines for good aquaculture feed manufacturing practice (134) WD-ARS 1785:2022, Good practices in fish nutrition and feeding (135) WD-ARS 1786:2022, Environmental, health, and safety guidelines for aquaculture (136) WD-ARS 1787:2022, Aquaculture occupational health and safety code of practice (137) WD-ARS 1788:2022, Food safety issues associated with products from aquaculture (138) WD-ARS 1789:2022, Public, animal, and environmental health implications of aquaculture — Mitigation measures (139) WD-ARS 1790:2022, Fish trade standards — Compliance assessment for cross-border trade (140) WD-ARS 1791:2022, Aquaculture regulatory framework (141) WD-ARS 1792:2022, Sanitation control procedures for processing fish and fishery products (142) WD-ARS 1793:2022, Seafood processing and inspection regulation guidelines (143) WD-ARS 1794:2022, Practical steps to prevent the introduction and minimize transmission of diseases of fish (144) WD-ARS 1795:2022, Sanitation onboard sea fishing vessels (145) WD-ARS 1796:2022, Quality control of fish: Recommended techniques (146) WD-ARS 1797:2022, Packaging requirements for fish and fishery products (147) WD-ARS 1798:2022, Chain of custody requirements for aquaculture fish products (148) WD-ARS 1799:2022, Chain of custody requirements for marine fish products (149) WD-ARS 1800:2022, Freshwater fish processing and equipment in small plants (150) WD-ARS 1801:2022, Packaging requirements for value added fish products (151) WD-ARS 1802:2022, Fish labelling regulations (152) WD-ARS 1803:2022, Labelling of aquaculture products (153) WD-ARS 1804:2022, Fish labelling for consumers (154) WD-ARS 1805:2022, Commercial designations of fish (155) WD-ARS 1806:2022, Fish health inspection procedures (156) WD-ARS 1807:2022, Good fish handling for post-harvest loss reduction — Guidelines (157) WD-ARS 1808:2022, Fish feeds — Specification (158) WD-ARS 1809:2022, Standard for Catfish Feed (159) WD-ARS 1810:2022, Standard for tilapia fish feed (160) WD-ARS 1811:2022, Standard for fish feed concentrate (161) WD-ARS 1812:2022, Standard for fish feed premix (162) WD-ARS 1912:2022 (SADC HT 80:2017), Farmed fish (Tilapia and African Catfish) (163) WD-ARS 1913:2022 (SADC HT 82:2017), Fresh fish and chilled fish (164) WD-ARS 1914:2022 (SADC HT 87:2017), Fish snack products — Specification (165) ARS-ARS XXXX-2022, Code of practice for construction, operation and maintenance of tilapia and catfish earthen ponds (166) ARS-ARS XXXX-2022, Code of practice for design, construction, operation and maintenance of recirculation aquaculture facilities (167) ARS-ARS XXXX-2022, Food safety and biosecurity for aquaculture production — Code of practice (168) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Code of hygienic practice and GMP for meat processing facilities (dehydration, drying, smoking, etc) (169) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Code of practice for construction, operation and maintenance of retail outlets and markets for meat and meat products (170) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Code of practice for good manufacturing practices (GMP) for small and medium-sized meat products processing establishments (including dried meat, smoked meat, meat sausages, meatballs, ) (171) ISO 16488:2015, Marine finfish farms — Open net cage — Design and operation (172) ISO 16541:2015, Methods for sea lice surveillance on marine finfish farms Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calendar link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 04, Milk and milk products
Scope Standardization of milk and milk products covering the dairy chain from primary production to consumption including terminology, specifications, guidelines, codes of practice, requirements for packaging, storage and transportation, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 5, Milk and milk products CCMMP, Codex Committee on Milk and Milk Products Participating Member States: (1) Algeria, (2) Egypt, (3) Ghana, (4) Kenya, (5) Malawi, (6) Madagascar, (7) Mauritius, (8) Morocco, (9)Niger, (10) Nigeria, (11) Rwanda, (12) Senegal, (13) South Africa, (14) South Sudan, (15) Tanzania, (16) Uganda, (17) Zambia, (18) Zanzibar, (19) Zimbabwe. Leadership: Chairperson: Zimbabwe – Kefalos Lovemore Chundu, Factory Manager, Kefalos Cheese Pvt Ltd Secretary: Zimbabwe – Mrs Loveness K Masveure, Standards Officer, Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 04 1. Working Group 1 – Raw milks, heat treated milks and Codes of practice (Convenor – Anneke van Niekerk (South Africa), Secretary – Mr. Arthur Mukanga (Uganda)) 2. Working Group 2 – Cheese, Fermented milk products and Ice creams and other frozen milk products (Convenor – Mr. Mohamed Ahmed El-Sayed Shamekh (Egypt), Secretary – Mr Kenza Boudjeltia (Algeria)) 3. Working Group 3 – Condensed, evaporated, recombined, and reconstituted milk products. Milk powders and milk blends. Milkfat, anhydrous milk fat and dairy spreads (Convenor – Prof. Aggrey L. Abate (South Sudan), Secretary – Ali Issah (Ghana)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development (1) WD-ARS 1033:2022, Pasteurized cow milk — Specification (2) WD-ARS 1034:2022, Pasteurized goat milk — Specification (3) WD-ARS 1035:2022, Pasteurized sheep milk — Specification (4) WD-ARS 1036:2022, Pasteurized camel milk — Specification (5) WD-ARS 1037:2022, Skimmed cow milk — Specification (6) WD-ARS 1038:2022, Skimmed goat milk — Specification (7) WD-ARS 1039:2022, Skimmed sheep milk — Specification (8) WD-ARS 1040:2022, Skimmed camel milk — Specification (9) WD-ARS 1041:2022, Standardized cow milk — Specification (10) WD-ARS 1042:2022, Standardized goat milk — Specification (11) WD-ARS 1043:2022, Standardized sheep milk — Specification (12) WD-ARS 1044:2022, Standardized camel milk — Specification (13) WD-ARS 1045:2022, Reconstituted cow milk — Specification (14) WD-ARS 1046:2022, Reconstituted goat milk — Specification (15) WD-ARS 1047:2022, Reconstituted sheep milk — Specification (16) WD-ARS 1048:2022, Reconstituted camel milk — Specification (17) WD-ARS 1049:2022, Ultra-high temperature (UHT) cow milk — Specification (18) WD-ARS 1050:2022, Ultra-high temperature (UHT) goat milk — Specification (19) WD-ARS 1051:2022, Ultra-high temperature (UHT) sheep milk — Specification (20) WD-ARS 1052:2022, Ultra-high temperature (UHT) camel milk — Specification (21) WD-ARS 1053:2022, Fortified cow milk — Specification (22) WD-ARS 1054:2022, Fortified goat milk — Specification (23) WD-ARS 1055:2022, Fortified sheep milk — Specification (24) WD-ARS 1056:2022, Fortified camel milk — Specification (25) WD-ARS 1057:2022, Cow yoghurt — Specification (low fat, low fat, reduced fat, whole milk yoghurt) (26) WD-ARS 1058:2022, Goat yoghurt — Specification (27) WD-ARS 1059:2022, Sheep yoghurt — Specification (28) WD-ARS 1060:2022, Camel yoghurt – Specification (29) WD-ARS 1061:2022, Cow Kefir — Specification (30) WD-ARS 1062:2022, Goat Kefir — Specification (31) WD-ARS 1063:2022, Sheep Kefir — Specification (32) WD-ARS 1064:2022, Camel kefir — Specification (33) WD-ARS 1065:2022, Cow labneh — Specification (34) WD-ARS 1066:2022, Goat labneh — Specification (35) WD-ARS 1067:2022, Sheep labneh — Specification (36) WD-ARS 1068:2022, Camel labneh — Specification (37) WD-ARS 1069:2022, Cow kurut — Specification (38) WD-ARS 1070:2022, Goat kurut — Specification (39) WD-ARS 1071:2022, Sheep kurut — Specification (40) WD-ARS 1072:2022, Camel kurut — Specification (41) WD-ARS 1073:2022, Fresh cheese (42) WD-ARS 1074:2022, Semi-soft cheese (43) WD-ARS 1075:2022, Semi-hard cheese (44) WD-ARS 1076:2022, Hard cheese (45) WD-ARS 1077:2022, Blue cheese (46) WD-ARS 1078:2022, Soft-ripened cheese (47) WD-ARS 1079:2022, Brined cheese (48) WD-ARS 1080:2022, Processed cheese — Specification (49) WD-ARS 1081:2022, Whipping cream — Specification (50) WD-ARS 1082:2022, Whipped cream — Specification (51) WD-ARS 1083:2022, Double cream — Specification (52) WD-ARS 1084:2022, Single cream — Specification (53) WD-ARS 1085:2022, Sour cream — Specification (54) WD-ARS 1086:2022, Half and half cream — Specification (55) WD-ARS 1087:2022, Clotted cream — Specification (56) WD-ARS 1088:2022, Crème fraiche — Specification (57) WD-ARS 1089:2022, Condensed cow milk — Specification (58) WD-ARS 1090:2022, Condensed goat milk — Specification (59) WD-ARS 1091:2022, Condensed sheep milk — Specification (60) WD-ARS 1092:2022, Condensed camel milk — Specification (61) WD-ARS 1093:2022, Butter — Specification (62) WD-ARS 1094:2022, Ghee — Specification (63) WD-ARS 1095:2022, Evaporated milk — Specification (64) WD-ARS 1096:2022, Cow milk powder — Specification (65) WD-ARS 1097:2022, Goat milk powder — Specification (66) WD-ARS 1098:2022, Sheep milk powder — Specification (67) WD-ARS 1099:2022, Camel milk powder — Specification (68) WD-ARS 1348:2022, Cow infant formula — Specification (69) WD-ARS 1349:2022, Goat infant formula — Specification (70) WD-ARS 1350:2022, Sheep infant formula — Specification (71) WD-ARS 1351:2022, Camel infant formula — Specification (72) WD-ARS 1352:2022, Whey products — Specification (73) WD-ARS 1353:2022, Casein — Specification (74) WD-ARS 1354:2022, Ice cream — Specification Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calendar Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 05, Horticulture
Scope Standardization of fruits, vegetables, tubers and processed products including nuts, in particular terminology, specifications, codes of practice, requirements for packaging, storage, transportation, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 3, Fruits and vegetables and their derived products CCFFV, Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables CCPFV, Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables Participating Member States: (1) Ghana, (2) Kenya, (3) Liberia, (4) Liberia, (5) Malawi, (6) Mauritius, (7) Morocco, (8) Niger, (9) Nigeria, (10) Rwanda, (11) Senegal, (12) South Africa, (13) South Sudan, (14) Tanzania, (15) Togo, (16) Uganda, (17) Zambia, (18) Zanzibar, (19) Zimbabwe. Leadership: Chairperson: Uganda – Dr. Moses Matovu, National Agricultural Research Organisation Secretary: Uganda – Mr. Edward Kizza, Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 05 1. Working Group 1 – Fresh Produce (Convenor – Dr. Idowu-Agida Oladayo (Nigeria), Secretary – Mr. Bassim Alhassan (Ghana)) 2. Working Group 2 – Processed products (Convenor – Ms. Hadijah Meeme (Uganda) , Secretary – Lilian Gabriel Peter (Tanzania)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development (1) WD-ARS 883:2012, Fresh fruits and vegetables — General specification (2) WD-ARS 892:2012, Fresh grapes — Specification (3) WD-ARS 893:2012, Fresh apples — Specification (4) WD-ARS 894:2012, Fresh apricots — Specification (5) WD-ARS 895:2012, Fresh cherries — Specification (6) WD-ARS 896:2012, Fresh kiwifruit — Specification (7) WD-ARS 897:2012, Fresh peaches and nectarines — Specification (8) WD-ARS 898:2012, Fresh pears — Specification (9) WD-ARS 899:2012, Fresh plums or prunes — Specification (10) WD-ARS 900:2012, Fresh strawberries — Specification (11) WD-ARS 901:2012, Berry fruits — Specification (12) WD-ARS 902:2012, Fresh cape gooseberry — Specification (13) WD-ARS 905:2012, Fresh guavas — Specification (14) WD-ARS 906:2012, Fresh annonas — Specification (15) WD-ARS 907:2012, Fresh jackfruit — Specification (16) WD-ARS 908:2012, Fresh breadfruit — Specification (17) WD-ARS 909:2012, Fresh prickly pear — Specification (18) WD-ARS 910:2012, Fresh carambola — Specification (19) WD-ARS 911:2012, Fresh litchi — Specification (20) WD-ARS 912:2012, Fresh mangosteens — Specification (21) WD-ARS 913:2012, Fresh longans — Specification (22) WD-ARS 914:2012, Fresh tree tomatoes — Specification (23) WD-ARS 915:2012, Fresh rambutan — Specification (24) WD-ARS 916:2012, Fresh pitahayas (dragon fruit) — Specification (25) WD-ARS 917:2012, Fresh figs — Specification (26) WD-ARS 918:2012, Pomegranate fruit — Specification (27) WD-ARS 919:2012, Sapota — Specification (28) WD-ARS 920:2012, Fresh crabapple — Specification (29) WD-ARS 923:2012, Fresh chinese cabbages — Specification (30) WD-ARS 924:2012, Fresh Brussels sprouts — Specification (31) WD-ARS 925:2012, Fresh broccoli — Specification (32) WD-ARS 926:2012, Fresh cauliflowers — Specification (33) WD-ARS 928:2012, Fresh lettuces and endives — Specification (34) WD-ARS 929:2012, Leafy vegetables — Specification (35) WD-ARS 931:2012, Fresh dandelion greens — Specification (36) WD-ARS 932:2012, Fresh romaine lettuce — Specification (37) WD-ARS 933:2012, African leafy vegetables — Specification (38) WD-ARS 934:2012, Dasheen leaves — Specification (39) WD-ARS 943:2012, Fresh collard greens or broccoli greens — Specification (40) WD-ARS 944:2012, Fresh Ceps — Specification (41) WD-ARS 945:2012, Fresh nopal — Specification (42) WD-ARS 946:2012, Fresh baby corn — Specification (43) WD-ARS 947:2012, Fresh chayotes — Specification (44) WD-ARS 948:2012, Fresh ginger— Specification (45) WD-ARS 949:2012, Fresh longans — Specification (46) WD-ARS 971:2012, Fresh asparagus — Specification (47) WD-ARS 972:2012, Fresh artichokes — Specification (48) WD-ARS 973:2012, Fresh aubergines — Specification (49) WD-ARS 974:2012, Fresh beans — Specification (50) WD-ARS 975:2012, Fresh chicory (witloof) — Specification (51) WD-ARS 976:2012, Fresh cucumbers — Specification (52) WD-ARS 977:2012, Fresh courgettes — Specification (53) WD-ARS 978:2012, Fresh fennel (sweet anise) — Specification (54) WD-ARS 979:2012, Fresh garlic — Specification (55) WD-ARS 980:2012, Fresh horse radish — Specification (56) WD-ARS 981:2012, Fresh leeks — Specification (57) WD-ARS 982:2012, Fresh lettuce and endives — Specification (58) WD-ARS 983:2012, Fresh radishes — Specification (59) WD-ARS 984:2012, Fresh ribbed celery — Specification (60) WD-ARS 985:2012, Fresh rhubarb — Specification (61) WD-ARS 986:2012, Fresh scorzonera — Specification (62) WD-ARS 987:2012, Fresh spinach — Specification (63) WD-ARS 988:2012, Fresh truffles — Specification (64) WD-ARS 989:2012, Fresh gherkins — Specification and grading (65) WD-ARS 990:2012, Fresh beets — Specification (66) WD-ARS 991:2012, Fresh beet greens — Specification (67) WD-ARS 992:2012, Fresh collard or broccoli greens — Specification (68) WD-ARS 993:2012, Fresh dandelion greens — Specification (69) WD-ARS 994:2012, Fresh mustard and turnip greens — Specification (70) WD-ARS 995:2012, Fresh okra — Specification (71) WD-ARS 996:2012, Fresh common green onions — Specification (72) WD-ARS 997:2012, Fresh parsley — Specification (73) WD-ARS 998:2012, Fresh mushrooms — Specification (74) WD-ARS 999:2012, Canned pineapples — Specification (75) WD-ARS 1001:2012, Fresh parsnips — Specification (76) WD-ARS 1002:2012, Fresh pea pods — Specification (77) WD-ARS 1003:2012, Fresh peppers (other than sweet peppers) — Specification (78) WD-ARS 1004:2012, Fresh romaine — Specification (79) WD-ARS 1005:2012, Fresh turnips or rutabagas — Specification (80) WD-ARS 1006:2012, Fresh bottle gourds (dudhi) — Specification (81) WD-ARS 1007:2012, Fresh bitter gourds (karela) — Specification (82) WD-ARS 1008:2012, Fresh ridged gourds (turia) — Specification (83) WD-ARS 1009:2012, Fresh ivy gourds (tindori) — Specification (84) WD-ARS 1010:2020, Drying fruits and vegetables — Code of practice (85) WD-ARS 1011:2020, Good agricultural practices for greenhouse vegetables (86) WD-ARS 1012:2020, A scheme and training manual on good agricultural practices (GAP) for fruits and vegetables (87) WD-ARS 1013:2020, Canning fruits and vegetables — Code of practice (88) WD-ARS 1014:2020, Drying of vegetables — Principles and dryer design (89) WD-ARS 1015:2020, Good agricultural practices for African indigenous vegetables (90) WD-ARS 1016:2020, Organic produce — Fresh fruits and vegetables production and post-harvest (91) WD-ARS 1017:2020, Plantain — Specification (92) WD-ARS 1018:2020, African standards for banana ripeness process — Post-harvest procedures (93) WD-ARS 1019:2020, African standard for ginger and ginger juice (94) WD-ARS 1020:2020, African standard for hibiscus juice Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 06, Coffee, cocoa, tea and related products
Scope Elaboration of standards for coffee, cocoa, tea and similar products including terminology, specifications, codes of practice, materials, methods of test and sampling, labelling and packaging. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 8, Tea; ISO/TC 34/SC 15, Coffee; ISO/TC 34/SC 18, Cocoa Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate (CCCPC) Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Cameroon (3) Cote d’Ivoire (4) DR Congo (5) Egypt (6) Ethiopia (7) Gabon (8) Ghana (9) Kenya (10) Liberia (11) Morocco (12) Nigeria (13) Rwanda (14) Senegal (15) Sierra Leone (16) Tanzania (17) Togo (18) Uganda (19) Zimbabwe Leadership: Chairperson: Cote D’Ivoire – Mr. Nanga Coulibaly, Conseiller Technique du Directeur Général du Conseil du Café-Cacao Secretary: Ghana – Mr. MacMillan Prentice, Food and Materials Standards Department Standards Division Ghana Standards Authority Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 06 1. Working Group 1 – Cocoa (Convenor – Dr. Jayeola Olayinka (Nigeria) , Secretary – Mrs Grace Benjamin (Nigeria)) 2. Working Group 2 – Coffee (Convenor – Dr. Regina Mwangi (Kenya), Secretary – Mr. Phineas M. Ocholla (Tanzania)) 3. Working Group 3 – Tea (Convenor – Mrs Naomi Amo Eshun (Ghana), Secretary – Mr. George Kiminza (Kenya)) Harmonised and Published African Standards (1) ARS 1000-1-2021 Sustainable cocoa – Part 1 Requirements for Cocoa Farmer as an Entity Farmer Group Farmer Cooperative-Management Systems and Performance (2) ARS 1000-2-2021 Sustainable Cocoa-Part 2 Requirements for Cocoa Quality and Traceability (3) ARS 1000-3-2021 Sustainable Cocoa-Part 3 Requirements for Cocoa Certification Schemes Standards under development Draft African Standard (DARS) (1) ISO 6079:2021, Instant tea in solid form — Specification (2) ISO 9884-1:1994, Tea sacks — Specification — Part 1: Reference sack for palletized and containerized transport of tea (3) ISO 9884-2:1999, Tea sacks — Specification — Part 2: Performance specification for sacks for palletized and containerized transport of tea (4) ISO 3720:2011, Black tea — Definition and basic requirements (5) ISO 6770:1982, Instant tea — Determination of free-flow and compacted bulk densities (6) ISO 3103:2019, Tea — Preparation of liquor for use in sensory tests (7) ISO 7516:1984, Instant tea in solid form – Sampling (8) ISO 6078:1982, Black tea — Vocabulary (9) ISO 11287:2011, Green tea — Definition and basic requirements (10) ISO/TR 12591:2013, White tea — Definition (11) ISO 18449:2021, Green tea — Vocabulary (12) ISO 11286:2004, Tea — Classification of grades by particle size analysis (13) ISO 8455:2011, Green coffee — Guidelines for storage and transport (14) ISO 1572:1980, Tea — Preparation of ground sample of known dry matter content (15) ISO 1839:1980, Tea — Sampling (16) ISO 9768:1994, Tea — Determination of water extract (17) ISO 1575:1987, Tea — Determination of total ash (18) ISO 1576:1975, Tea — Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash (19) ISO 1577:1977, Tea — Determination of acid-insoluble ash (20) ISO 1578:1975, Tea — Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash (21) ISO 1573:1980, Tea — Determination of loss in mass at 103 degrees Celsius (22) ISO 24114:2011, Instant coffee — Criteria for authenticity (23) ISO 14502-1:2005, Determination of substances characteristic of green and black tea — Part 1: Content of total polyphenols in tea — Colorimetric method using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (24) ISO 14502-2:2005, Determination of substances characteristic of green and black tea — Part 2: Content of catechins in green tea — Method using high-performance liquid chromatography (25) ISO 15598:1999, Tea — Determination of crude fibre content (26) ISO 9116:2004, Green coffee — Guidelines on methods of specification (27) ISO 10470:2004, Green coffee — Defect reference chart (28) ISO 4072:1982, Green coffee in bags — Sampling (29) ISO 3509:2005, Coffee and coffee products — Vocabulary (30) ISO 8460:1987, Instant coffee — Determination of free-flow and compacted bulk densities (31) ISO 4150:2011, Green coffee or raw coffee — Size analysis — Manual and machine sieving (32) ISO 9116:2004, Green coffee — Guidelines on methods of specification (33) ISO 18794:2018, Coffee — Sensory analysis — Vocabulary (34) ISO 7078:2020, Buildings and civil engineering works — Procedures for setting out, measurement and surveying — Vocabulary Committee Drafts (CDs) (35) CD-ARS 1063:2023, Green coffee beans — Specification (36) CD-ARS 1813:2023, Cocoa powder — Specification (37) CD-ARS 1814:2023, Roasted coffee beans and roasted ground coffee — Specification (38) CD-ARS 1815:2023, Cocoa butter — Specification (39) CD-ARS 1816:2023, Chocolate and chocolate products — Specification (40) CD-ARS 1817:2023, Cocoa powder and cocoa mixtures — Specification (41) CD-ARS 1818:2023, Cocoa mass (liquor) — Specification (42) CD-ARS 1819:2023, Cocoa press cake — Specification (43) CD-ARS 1822:2023, Flavoured coffee — Specification (44) CD-ARS 1823:2023, Liquid coffee — Specification (45) ISO 6078:1982, Black tea — Vocabulary (46) CD-ARS 1061:2023, Coffee premix — Specification (47) CD-ARS 1062:2023, Instant (soluble) coffee — Specification (48) CD-ARS 1064:2023, Standard for instant coffee mixture (49) CD-ARS 1065:2023, Production, handling and processing of coffee — Code of practice (50) CD-ARS 1066:2023, Herbal and fruit infusions — Specification (51) CD-ARS 1067:2023, Standard for black tea (52) CD-ARS 1068:2023, Standard for dried moringa tea (53) CD-ARS 1069:2023, Tea — Code of practice for planting and harvesting (54) CD-ARS 1070:2023, Tea — Code of hygienic practice for processing and packaging (55) CD-ARS 1071:2023, Standard for green tea Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee Key Information The initial work of the committee was supported by the Government of Ghana through the Ghana Cocoa Board and the Government of Cote D’Ivoire through le Conseil du Café-Cacao Côte d’Ivoire. Since this was an urgent matter, the two governments have requested ARSO Secretariat to utilize the Fast-Tracking Procedure in the revised ASHAM.
ARSO/TC 07, Meat, poultry, eggs and related products
Scope Standardization for meat and meat products, eggs, poultry and game including packaged meat, eggs, and for processed poultry meat products in particular terminology, specifications, guidelines, codes of practice, requirements for packaging, storage and transportation, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 6, Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and their products CCMPH, Codex Committee on Meat Hygiene Participating Member States: (1) Algeria (2) Botswana (3) Egypt; (4) Kenya (5) Malawi (6) Mauritius (7) Morocco (8) Niger (9) Nigeria (10) Rwanda (11) Senegal (12) South Africa (13) Tanzania (14) Uganda (15) Zanzibar (16) Zimbabwe (17) IGAD Leadership Chairperson: Nigeria – Prof. Bolanle Otegbayo (Mrs.), Deputy Head of Food Science & Technology at the BOWEN University, Osun State Secretary: Tanzania – Mr. Phineas Ocholla, Standards Officer Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 07 1. Working Group 1 – Meat and meat products (Convenor – Mr. George Kiminza (Kenya), Secretary – Phineas Ocholla (Tanzania)) 2. Working Group 2 – Poultry, Games and related products (Convenor – Dr (Mrs) Omolara Okunlola (Nigeria), Secretary – Mrs. Hauwa Nuhu-Yusuf (Nigeria)) 3. Working Group 3 – Eggs and eggs products (Convenor – Dr Rafei Jihan (Morocco), Secretary – Madame Ndéye Maguette DIOP (Senegal)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development (1) WD-ARS 1147:2017, Code of practice for the processing and handling of quick frozen foods (2) WD-ARS 1194:2019, The handling of chilled and frozen foods (3) WD-ARS 1195:2019, Packaged meat products (processed or manufactured) (4) WD-ARS 1196:2019, Manufacture, production, processing and treatment of canned meat products (5) WD-ARS 1199:2019, Edible hen eggs-in-shell — Specification and grading (6) WD-ARS 1200:2019, Eggs-in-shell for processing (7) WD-ARS 1201:2019, Chilled eggs-in-shell (8) WD-ARS 1202:2019, Preserved eggs-in-shell (9) WD-ARS 1203:2019, Hens egg products for use in the food industry (10) WD-ARS 1204:2019, Code of hygienic practice for egg products (11) WD-ARS 1205:2019, Egg powder — Specification (12) WD-ARS 1206:2019, Albumen flakes of non-edible quality (13) WD-ARS 1207:2019, Code of practice for cold storage of shell eggs (14) WD-ARS 1208:2019, Methods for evaluation of quality of chicken eggs (15) WD-ARS 1209:2019, Edible egg albumen powder — Specification (16) WD-ARS 1210:2019, Canned egg curry — Specification (17) WD-ARS 1211:2019, Pickled quail eggs — Specification (18) WD-ARS 1212:2019, Duck eggs — Specification (19) WD-ARS 1213:2019, Dressed poultry — Specification (20) WD-ARS 1214:2019, Code of hygienic practice for poultry processing (21) WD-ARS 1215:2019, Mechanically separated poultry meat for further processing (22) WD-ARS 1216:2019, Chicken essence — Specification (23) WD-ARS 1217:2019, Ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of poultry (24) WD-ARS 1218:2019, Handling, processing, quality evaluation and storage of poultry (25) WD-ARS 1219:2019, Poultry — Glossary of terms (26) WD-ARS 1220:2019, Day-old chicks — Basic requirements (27) WD-ARS 1221:2019, Chicken canned in brine — Specification (28) WD-ARS 1222:2019, Canned chicken curry — Specification (29) WD-ARS 1223:2019, Chicken sausages — Specification (30) WD-ARS 1224:2019, Chicken meat — Carcases and parts (31) WD-ARS 1225:2019, Turkey meat — Carcases and parts (32) WD-ARS 1226:2019, Duck meat — Carcases and parts (33) WD-ARS 1227:2019, Poultry housing — Code of practice (34) WD-ARS 1228:2019, Transport of small and medium sized seed-eating birds (35) WD-ARS 1229:2019, Transport of poultry — Code of practice (36) WD-ARS 1230:2019, Poultry feeder — Specification (37) WD-ARS 1231:2019, Portable poultry waterers — Specification (38) WD-ARS 1232:2019, Poultry farming equipment — Brooders — Specification (39) WD-ARS 1233:2019, Poultry incubators — Specification (40) WD-ARS 1234:2019, Poultry debeakers — Specification (41) WD-ARS 1235:2019, Poultry egg fertility tester — Specification (42) WD-ARS 1236:2019, Wing band for poultry — Specification (43) WD-ARS 1237:2019, Leg band for poultry — Specification (44) WD-ARS 1238:2019, Egg washing machines — Specification (45) WD-ARS 1239:2019, Trap nests for poultry — Specification (46) WD-ARS 1240:2019, Pedigree hatching boxes for poultry — Specification (47) WD-ARS 1241:2019, Laying battery cages for poultry — Specification (48) WD-ARS 1242:2019, Goose meat — Carcases and parts (49) WD-ARS 1243:2019, Antibiotic residue limits in poultry and their product (50) WD-ARS 1244:2019, Hygienic production of ratite (Ostrich) meat for human consumption (51) WD-ARS 1245:2019, Bovine (beef) meat — Carcases and cuts (52) WD-ARS 1246:2019, Veal meat — Carcases and cuts (53) WD-ARS 1247:2019, Caprine (goat) meat — Carcases and cuts (54) WD-ARS 1248:2019, Ovine (sheep) meat — Carcases and cuts (55) WD-ARS 1249:2019, Porcine (pig) meat — Carcases and cuts (56) WD-ARS 1250:2019, Rabbit meat — Carcases and cuts (57) WD-ARS 1251:2019, Camel meat — Carcasses and meat cuts (58) WD-ARS 1252:2019, Retail meat cuts (59) WD-ARS 1253:2019, Edible meat co-products (60) WD-ARS 1254:2019, Ham — Specification (61) WD-ARS 1255:2019, Food grade meat (beef) extract — Specification (62) WD-ARS 1256:2019, Smoked bacon — Specification (63) WD-ARS 1257:2019, Canned pork sausages — Specification (64) WD-ARS 1258:2019, Fresh pork sausages — Specification (65) WD-ARS 1259:2019, Raw or cooked red meat sausages — Specification (66) WD-ARS 1260:2019, Canned luncheon pork meat — Specification (67) WD-ARS 1261:2019, Canned luncheon beef — Specification (68) WD-ARS 1262:2019, Canned bacon rashers — Specification (69) WD-ARS 1263:2019, Canned ham — Specification (70) WD-ARS 1264:2019, Canned minced ham — Specification (71) WD-ARS 1265:2019, Mutton and goat meat canned in brine (72) WD-ARS 1266:2019, Production of natural animal casings for human consumption (73) WD-ARS 1267:2019, Curried and canned mutton and goat meat (74) WD-ARS 1268:2019, Soup stock medium (beef) — Specification (75) WD-ARS 1269:2019, Canned mutton biryani — Specification (76) WD-ARS 1270:2019, Ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of meat animals (77) WD-ARS 1271:2019, Meat inspection table — Specification (78) WD-ARS 1272:2019, Basic requirements for an abattoir (79) WD-ARS 1273:2019, Hog gambrels — Specification (80) WD-ARS 1274:2019, Pig hooks — Specification (81) WD-ARS 1275:2019, Electrical stunning tongs for pigs (82) WD-ARS 1276:2019, Sheep dressing hooks — Specification (83) WD-ARS 1277:2019, Gambrels for sheep and goats (84) WD-ARS 1278:2019, Sheep spreaders — Specification (85) WD-ARS 1279:2019, Sheep bleeding shackles — Specification (86) WD-ARS 1280:2019, Handling of slaughter-house by-products (87) WD-ARS 1281:2019, Requirements for stalls and retail outlets for sale of meat (88) WD-ARS 1282:2019, Spices and herbs used in processed meat and poultry — Microbiological quality (89) WD-ARS 1283:2019, Non-meat protein products in processed meat and poultry products (90) WD-ARS 1284:2019, Standard authentication of processed beef products (91) WD-ARS 1285:2019, Standard for dried meats (biltong, jerky, kilishi) (92) WD-ARS 1286:2019, Hygienic production of wild game meat for human consumption (93) WD-ARS 1287:2019, Hygienic production and transportation of meat (94) WD-ARS 1288:2019, Fermented sausages (salami) — Specification (95) WD-ARS 1289:2019, Bouillon seasoning — Specifications (96) WD-ARS 1290:2019, Glossary of edible insects and products — Identification, preparation and processing (97) WD-ARS 1291:2019, Edible insects and derived products (caterpillars, crickets, locusts, termites, mealworms, ) — Specifications (98) WD-ARS 1292:2019, Edible insects — Good agricultural and collection practices (99) WD-ARS 1293:2019, Edible insects — Good manufacturing practices (100) WD-ARS 1294:2019, Good agricultural practice guidelines on cricket farming (101) WD-ARS 1295:2019, Guide on good hygiene practices for insect production (102) WD-ARS 1296:2019, Safety of foods based on insects (103) WD-ARS 1297:2019, Dried insect products for compounding animal feeds — Specification Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee Key Information: Currently supported by PTB on a three-year grant.
ARSO/TC 08, Food additives
Scope Standardization of maximum or guideline levels for individual food additives and functional classes in food and feed, in particular specifications of identity and purity for food additives, labelling of food additives, codes of practice, guidelines, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/WG 14, Vitamins, carotenoids and other nutrients CCFA, Codex Committee on Food Additives
ARSO/TC 09, Spices, culinary herbs and condiments
Scope Standardization of spices, culinary herbs and condiments, in particular terminology, specifications, codes of practice, requirements for packaging, storage and transportation, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 7, Spices, culinary herbs and condiments CCSCH, Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs
ARSO/TC 10, Food hygiene
Scope Standardization in the field of food hygiene and safety management systems, covering the food and feed supply chain from primary production to consumption as well as animal and vegetable propagation materials. The standards may include terminology, codes of practice, guidelines and microbiological criteria. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 9, Microbiology ISO/TC 34/SC 17, Management systems for food safety CCFH, Codex Committee on Food Hygiene ISO/TC 326, Machinery intended for use with foodstuffs CEN/TC 429, Food hygiene – Commercial warewashing machines – Hygiene requirements and testing CEN/SS C01, Food Products CEN/TC 153, Machinery intended for use with foodstuffs and feed CEN/TC 275, Food analysis – Horizontal methods CEN/TC 460, Food Authenticity
ARSO/TC 11, Contaminants and toxins in foods and feeds
Scope Standardization of maximum or guideline levels for contaminants (including environmental contaminants) and naturally occurring toxicants in food and feed (in cases where the contaminant in feed can be transferred to food of animal origin and can be relevant for public health), in particular specifications, codes of practice, guidelines, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/WG 20, Aflatoxins CCCF, Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods
ARSO/TC 12, Cereals, pulses and derived products
Scope Standardization of cereals, pulses, legumes and their processed products including terminology, specifications, codes of practice, requirements for packaging, storage and transportation, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 4, Cereals and pulses CCCPL, Codex Committee on Cereals, Pulses and Legumes Participating Member States: (1) Algeria (2) Botswana (3) Egypt (4) Ethiopia (5) Ghana (6) Kenya (7) Malawi (8) Mauritius (9) Morocco (10) Nigeria (11) Rwanda (12) Senegal (13) South Sudan (14) Tanzania (15) Uganda (16) Zanzibar (17) Zimbabwe Leadership Chairperson: Uganda – Dr. Moses Matovu, National Agricultural Research Organisation Secretary: Ghana – Mr. Nathaniel Kofi Brakoh, Scientific Officer Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) Harmonised and Published African Standards (1) ARS 53:2016, General principles of food hygiene — Code of practice (2) ARS 457:2018, Barley — Specification (3) ARS 461:2013, Maize grains (Corn) — Specification (4) ARS 462:2016, Sorghum grains — Specification (5) ARS 463:2016, Pearl millet grains — Specification (6) ARS 464:2013, Milled rice — Specification (7) ARS 465:2016, Wheat — Specification (8) ARS 466:2013, Milled maize products — Specification (9) ARS 467:2016, Degermed maize meal and maize grits — Specification (10) ARS 468:2016, Sorghum flour — Specification (11) ARS 469:2016, Millet flour — Specification (12) ARS 470:2016, Wheat flour — Specification (13) ARS 471:2016, Food grade salt — Specification (14) ARS 751:2013, Organic products — Code of practice (15) ARS 825:2016, Yams — Specification (16) ARS 835:2016, Fresh sweet cassava — Specification (17) ARS 836:2016, Fresh bitter cassava — Specification (18) ARS 837:2016, Fresh cassava leaves — Specification (19) ARS 838:2016, Cassava flour — Specification (20) ARS 839:2016, Dried cassava chips — Specification (21) ARS 840:2016, High quality cassava flour — Specification (22) ARS 841:2016, Composite flour — Specification (23) ARS 842:2016, Cassava wheat composite flour — Specification (24) ARS 843:2016, Cassava crisps — Specification (25) ARS 844:2016, Determination of cyanogens in cassava products (26) ARS 845:2016, Production and handling of fresh cassava — Code of practice (27) ARS 846:2016, Food grade cassava starch — Specification (28) ARS 847:2016, Fresh potato tuber — Specification (29) ARS 848:2016, Production and handling fresh ware potatoes — Code of practice (30) ARS 849:2016, Reduction of acrylamide in potato products — Code of practice (31) ARS 850:2016, Potato crisps — Specification (32) ARS 851:2016, Frozen potato chips — Specification (33) ARS 852:2016, Fried potato chips — Specification (34) ARS 853:2016, Cassava bread — Specification (35) ARS 854:2016, Gari — Specification (36) ARS 857:2016, Finger millet grains — Specification (37) ARS 858:2013, Rough (paddy) rice — Specification (38) ARS 859:2013, Brown rice — Specification (39) ARS 860:2016, Fortified wheat flour — Specification (40) ARS 861:2016, Fortified maize flour — Specification (41) ARS 862:2016, Fortified cooking oils — Specification (42) ARS 863:2016, Fortified sugar — Specification (43) ARS 864:2013, Dry beans — Specification (44) ARS 865:2014, Dry Green grams — Specification (45) ARS 866:2014, Dry Chickpeas — Specification (46) ARS 867:2014, Dry Cowpeas — Specification (47) ARS 868:2014, Dry Pigeon peas — Specification (48) ARS 869:2014, Dry whole peas — Specification (49) ARS 870:2014, Lentils — Specification (50) ARS 871:2014, Dry split peas — Specification (51) ARS 872:2014, Dry soybeans — Specification (52) ARS 873:2014, Dry Faba beans — Specification (53) ARS 874:2014, Dry Lima beans — Specification (54) ARS 884:2018, Fresh tomatoes — Specification (55) ARS 885:2018, Fresh citrus fruits — Specification (56) ARS 886:2018, Fresh pineapples — Specification (57) ARS 887:2018, Fresh avocados — Specification (58) ARS 888:2018, Fresh mangoes — Specification (59) ARS 889:2018, Fresh papaya — Specification (60) ARS 890:2018, Passion fruit — Specification (61) ARS 891:2018, Fresh sweet pepper — Specification (62) ARS 903:2018, Fresh melons — Specification (63) ARS 921:2018, Fresh onions — Specification (64) ARS 922:2018, Headed cabbages — Specification (65) ARS 927:2018, Fresh kales (leafy vegetables) — Specification (66) ARS 930:2018, Fresh chillies — Specification (67) ARS 935:2014, Edible full fat soybean flour — Specification (68) ARS 936:2014, Soy milk — Specification (69) ARS 937:2014, Soy protein products — Specification (70) ARS 938:2014, Textured soy protein products — Specification (71) ARS 939:2016, Feed maize — Specification (72) ARS 942:2018, Fresh carrots — Specification (73) ARS 1100:2018, Production and handling of food crops — Good agricultural practices (74) ARS 1101:2018, Production and handling of maize (corn) grains — Good agricultural practices (75) ARS 1102:2018, Production and handling of rice — Good agricultural practices (76) ARS 1103:2018, Production and handling of cassava — Good agricultural practices (77) ARS 1104:2018, Dairy production farms — Good agricultural practices (78) ARS 1105:2018, Poultry production farms — Good agricultural practices (79) ARS 1106:2018, Tilapia production aquaculture farms — Good aquacultural practices (80) ARS 1107:2018, Freshwater aquatic animal production farms — Good aquaculture practices (81) ARS 1108:2018, Beef cattle production farms — Good agricultural practices (82) ARS 1109:2018, Production and handling of fruits and vegetables — Good agricultural practices Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 13, Oilseeds, edible fats and oils
Scope Standardization of oleaginous seeds and fruits, oilseed residues, edible fats and oils of animal, vegetable and marine origin including olive oil and blends of fats and oils and emulsions but not products originating from milk and milk products. The standards may include specifications, codes of practice, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 2, Oleaginous seeds and fruits and oilseed meals ISO/TC 34/SC 11, Animal and vegetable fats and oils CCFO, Codex Committee on Fats and Oils CEN/TC 307, Oilseeds, vegetable and animal fats and oils and their by-products — Methods of sampling and analysis
ARSO/TC 14, Food packaging and labelling
Scope Standardisation of packaging and labelling of foods including standards on migration from plastics, metal release, paper and board in contact with foodstuffs, reuse, recycling and disposal of materials related to food packaging. The standards may include terminology, codes of practices, specifications, classifications, guides, dimensions, marking, quality and performance requirements, test methods and impact of packaging and packaging materials on health and the environment (air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna and human and their interactions). Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 122, Packaging; CEN/TC 261, Packaging ISO/TC 313, Packaging machinery; CEN/TC 146, Packaging machines – Safety CCFL, Codex Committee on Food Labelling CCFICS, Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems CEN/SS T14, Packaging Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Egypt (3) Kenya (4) Malawi (5) Mauritius (6) Morocco (7) Niger (8) Nigeria (9)Rwanda (10) Senegal (11) South Africa (12) Tanzania (13) Uganda (14)Zanzibar (15) Zimbabwe (16) IGAD Leadership Chairperson: Nigeria – Dr Ajani Sakirudeen, Deputy Director Packaging Technology Division / National president, Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO) Secretary: Nigeria – Fyne Okita Uwemedimo, Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 14 1. Working Group 1 – Plastic (Convenor – Fyne Okita Uwemedimo (Nigeria), Secretary – Fyne Okita Uwemedimo (Nigeria)) 2. Working Group 2 – Glasses and metals (Convenor – Dr. Sawsan Galal Mohamed Abdel Hamid (Egypt), Secretary – Mr. Jimoh Kamaldeen (Nigeria)) 3. Working Group 3 – Papers (Convenor – Mr. Iddi Msoma (Tanzania), Secretary – Mr. Phineas Ocholla (Tanzania)) 4. Working Group 4 – Labelling (Convenor – Dr (Mrs) Omolara Okunlola (Nigeria), Secretary – Mukabayizere Denyse Joy (Rwanda)) Harmonised and Published African Standards ARS 56:2016, Prepackaged foods — Labelling Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 15, Nutrition and foods for special dietary uses
Scope Standardization of nutrition for all foods including foods for special dietary uses, in particular terminology, specifications, codes of practice, guidelines, requirements for packaging, storage and transportation, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/WG 23, Food suitable for vegetarians/vegans ISO/TC 34/WG 25, Food security in emergency or crisis situation CCNFSDU, Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses CEN/TC 453, Dietary supplements and sports food free of doping substances
ARSO/TC 16, Sugar, starch and confectionery
Scope Standardization of sugar, starch and related confectionery products in terms of terminology, specifications, codes of practice, methods of sampling and test Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 93, Starch (including derivatives and by-products); CCS, Codex Committee on Sugars CEN/SS C10, Starch
ARSO/TC 17, Animal feeding, feeds and feeding stuffs
Scope Standardization of animal feeds, feeding stuffs and feeding including terminology, codes of practice, specifications of raw material & finished products, guidelines and requirements for packaging, storage and transportation, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/SC 10, Animal feeding stuffs CEN/TC 327, Animal feeding stuffs – Methods of sampling and analysis Participating Member States: (1) Algeria (2) Burundi (3) Egypt (4) Ethiopia(5) Ghana (6) Malawi (7) Morocco (8) Nigeria (9) Rwanda (10) Senegal (11) South Sudan (12) Togo (13) Uganda Leadership Chairperson: Nigeria – Prof. Job Atteh, University of Ilorin, Team Leader Secretary: Ghana – Mr. Samuel Kwatia, Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 17 1. Working Group 1 – Ruminant feeds (Convenor – Dr. Nasr El Sayed Yahya El Bordeny (Egypt), Secretary – Role currently played by Samuel Kwatia (Main TC Secretary)) 2. Working Group 2- Monogastric feeds (Convenor – Ms Pamela Akwap (Uganda), Secretary – Mrs. Mope Omotoso (Nigeria)) 3. Working Group 3 – Aquatic feeds (Convenor – Ms Pamela Akwap (Uganda), Secretary – Role currently played by Samuel Kwatia (Main TC Secretary)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development 1. ISO 20588:2019, Animal feeding stuffs — Vocabulary 2. CXA 4:1989(1993), Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds 3. CXC 54:2004(2008), Code of Practice on Good Animal Feeding 4. ISO 17375:2006, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of aflatoxin B1 5. EN 13207:2018, Plastics — Thermoplastic silage films and tubes for use in agriculture 6. EN 14932:2018, Plastics — Thermoplastic stretch films for wrapping silage bales 7. EN 703:2004+A1:2009, Agricultural machinery — Silage loading, mixing and/or chopping and distributing machines — Safety 8. WD-ARS 1840:2022 (BS 7476:1991), Specification for polyethylene film for covering silage 9. WD-ARS 1828:2022, Animal feeds manufacturing, facilities, storage, transportation and marketing — Code of good practice 10. WD-ARS 1843:2022, Farming insects for animal feed products — Code of good practices 11. WD-ARS 1844:2022, Dried insect products for compounding animal feeds — Specification 12. WD-ARS 1824:2022, Fodder crops — Good practices for selection, sustainable growing, processing (hay, silage and feedstuff production), storage and ecolabelling 13. WD-ARS 1825-1:2022, Hay as animal feed — Specification — Part 1: Grass hay 14. WD-ARS 1825-2:2022, Hay as animal feed — Specification — Part 2: Legume hay 15. WD-ARS 1827-1:2022, Compounded feeds for cattle — Part 1: Dairy cattle — Specification 16. WD-ARS 1827-2:2022, Compounded feeds for cattle —Part 2: Beef cattle — Specification 17. WD-ARS 1830:2022, Goats and sheep feeds — Specification 18. WD-ARS 1839:2022, Prosopis meal for compounding animal feeds — Specification 19. WD-ARS 1841:2022, Bagged silage — Specification 20. ARS 939:2016, Feed maize — Specification = ISO 19942:2018/AMD 1:2020, Maize (Zea mays L.) — Specification — Amendment 1: Feed maize 21. ISO 30024:2009, Animal feeding stuffs — Determination of phytase activity 22. ISO 7088:1981, Fish-meal — Vocabulary – Monogastric & aquatic 23. WD-ARS 1838:2022, Fish meal as animal feed – Specification – Mongastric and aquatic 24. WD-ARS 1829:2022, Cat feeds — Specification 25. WD-ARS 1831:2022, Rabbit feeds — Specification 26. WD-ARS 1832:2022, Horse feeds — Specification 27. WD-ARS 1833:2022, Pig feeds — Specification 28. WD-ARS 1834:2022, Pig feed premixes — Specification 29. WD-ARS 1835:2022, Dog feeds — Specification 30. WD-ARS 1836:2022, Poultry feeds — Specification 31. WD-ARS 1837:2022, Poultry feed premixes — Specification 32. WD-ARS 1842:2022, Ostrich feeds — Specification 33. ISO 7088:1981, Fish-meal — Vocabulary – Monogastric & aquatic 34. WD-ARS 1838:2022, Fish meal as animal feed – Specification – Monogastric and aquatic Click Here to Download the Technical Committee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calendar link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 18, Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
Scope Standardization of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages of various kinds including drinking water, fruit and vegetables juices. Standards may include terminology, specifications, codes of practice, materials, methods of test and sampling, labelling and packaging.
ARSO/TC 19, Seed and propagation materials
Scope Standardization of seeds and propagation materials, in particular terminology, specifications, purity, codes of practice, guidelines, methods of sampling and test.
ARSO/TC 20, Tobacco and similar products
Scope Standardization of terminology and test methods for unmanufactured tobacco, all types of tobacco products, materials used for manufacturing tobacco products and tobacco smoke including environmental tobacco smoke aspects; specifications and questions of handling, storage, packaging and transport are included as appropriate. Standardization of production, postharvest handling, storage and transport of tobacco, in particular terminology, guidelines, codes of practice, specification, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 126, Tobacco and tobacco products
ARSO/TC 21, Pesticide residues
Scope Standardization of maximum or guideline levels for individual pesticide in food and feed, codes of practice, guidelines, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: CCPR, Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
ARSO/TC 22, Agrochemicals
Scope Standardization in the fields of agrochemicals including terminology, classification, characteristics, specifications and test and performance methods for pesticides and aerosols; fertilizers and soil conditioners; soil improvers and growing media and related products. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 81, Common names for pesticides and other agrochemicals ISO/TC 134, Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial substances CEN/TC 223, Soil improvers and growing media CEN/TC 260, Fertilizers and liming materials CEN/TC 455, Plant Biostimulants
ARSO/TC 23, Live animals
Scope Standardization in the field of live animals related to terrestrial and aquatic animals in relation to species-specific rearing techniques, productivity, health, safety, husbandry, welfare, housing, identity, traceability, transportation, grading, and livestock sourcing. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 34/WG 16, Animal welfare Participating Member States: (1) Algeria (2) Botswana (3) Egypt (4) Kenya (5) Liberia (6) Malawi (7) Mauritius (8) Morocco (9) Niger (10) Nigeria (11) Rwanda (12) Senegal (13) Sudan (14) Uganda (15) Zambia(16) Zanzibar (17)Zimbabwe (18) IGAD as observer Leadership Chairperson: Uganda – Prof Muyanja Charles Secretary: Uganda – Rehema Meeme, Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 23 1. Working Group 1 – Live Animals (Convenor – Ndeye Magutte (Senegal), Secretary – Mercy Mfune (Malawi)) 2. Working Group 2 – Poultry ( Convenor – Ms Vimbai Chigavazira (Zimbabwe), Interim Convenor – Dr Sharai, Secretary – Hussaina Makuna (Nigeria)) 3. Working Group 3 – Insects (Convenor – DR Oswin (Zambia), Secretary – Zainab Umar (Nigeria)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development (1) ISO/TS 34700:2016, Animal welfare management — General requirements and guidance for organizations in the food supply chain (2) ARS 1104:2018, Dairy production farms — Good agricultural practices (3) ARS 1105:2018, Poultry production farms — Good agricultural practices (4) ARS 1108:2018, Beef cattle production farms — Good agricultural practices (5) WD-ARS 1220:2022, Day-old chicks — Basic requirements (6) WD-ARS 1228:2022, Transport of small and medium sized seed-eating birds (7) WD-ARS 1229:2022, Transport of poultry — Code of practice (8) WD-ARS 1230:2022, Poultry feeder — Specification (9) WD-ARS 1231:2022, Portable poultry waterers — Specification (10) WD-ARS 1232:2022, Poultry farming equipment — Brooders — Specification (11) WD-ARS 1233:2022, Poultry incubators — Specification (12) WD-ARS 1234:2022, Poultry debeakers — Specification (13) WD-ARS 1235:2022, Poultry egg fertility tester — Specification (14) WD-ARS 1236:2022, Wing band for poultry — Specification (15) WD-ARS 1237:2022, Leg band for poultry — Specification (16) WD-ARS 1239:2022, Trap nests for poultry — Specification (17) WD-ARS 1240:2022, Pedigree hatching boxes for poultry — Specification (18) WD-ARS 1241:2022, Laying battery cages for poultry — Specification (19) WD-ARS 1272:2022, Food animal abattoir — Requirements (Code of practice for licensed abattoirs) (20) WD-ARS 1273:2019, Hog gambrels — Specification (21) WD-ARS 1274:2019, Pig hooks — Specification (22) WD-ARS 1275:2022, Electrical stunning tongs for pigs (23) WD-ARS 1276:2019, Sheep dressing hooks — Specification (24) WD-ARS 1277:2019, Gambrels for sheep and goats (25) WD-ARS 1278:2019, Sheep spreaders — Specification (26) WD-ARS 1279:2019, Sheep bleeding shackles — Specification (27) WD-ARS 1282:2022, Recommendations for cattle housing in rural areas (28) WD-ARS 1290:2022, Glossary of edible insects and products — Identification, preparation and processing (29) WD-ARS 1292:2022, Edible insects — Good agricultural and wild collection practices (30) WD-ARS 1293:2022, Edible insects — Good manufacturing practices for processed edible insect products (31) WD-ARS 1294:2022, Good agricultural practice guidelines on cricket farming (32) WD-ARS 1356:2022, Live grading for slaughter cattle (33) WD-ARS 1845:2022, Live grading for slaughter goats (34) WD-ARS 1846:2022, Live grading for slaughter sheep (35) WD-ARS 1847:2022, Live grading for slaughter camels (36) WD-ARS 1848:2022, Live grading for slaughter hogs (37) WD-ARS 1849:2022, Code of good animal husbandry practices for poultry — Broiler and layers (38) WD-ARS 1850:2022, Beef cattle feedlots — Design and construction (39) WD-ARS 1851:2022, Animal husbandry guidelines for egg-laying flocks — Caged (40) WD-ARS 1852:2022, Animal husbandry guidelines for egg-laying flocks — Cage-free (41) WD-ARS 1853:2022, Handling and care of dairy cattle — Code of practice (42) WD-ARS 1854:2022, Farm animal welfare and housing — Turkeys (43) WD-ARS 1855:2022, Farm animal welfare — Young dairy beef excluding veal (44) WD-ARS 1856:2022, Farm animal welfare — Sheep including dairy sheep (45) WD-ARS 1857:2022, Farm animal welfare — Pigs (46) WD-ARS 1858:2022, Farm animal welfare — Egg laying chickens (47) WD-ARS 1859:2022, Farm animal welfare — Dairy, fibre and meat goats (48) WD-ARS 1860:2022, Farm animal welfare — Dairy cattle (49) WD-ARS 1861:2022, Farm animal welfare — Chickens (50) WD-ARS 1862:2022, Farm animal welfare — Beef cattle (51) WD-ARS 1863:2022, Livestock numbers maintenance for environmental management (52) WD-ARS 1864:2022, Livestock waste management for use as manure and reduced emissions (53) WD-ARS 1865:2022, Food animals welfare — Code of practice (54) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Code of practice for the care and handling of rabbits (55) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Code of practice for sheep and goats housing (IS 2733-1985(2008)) (56) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Good agricultural practices for meat-type duck farm (TAS 6900-2016) (57) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Good agricultural practices for goose farm (TAS 6911:2015) (58) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Good husbandry practices for ostrich (Struthio camelus) (59) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Code of practice for pig housing (IS 3916:1966(2000)) (60) WD-ARS XXXX:2022, Code of practice for poultry housing (IS 2732:1985(2002)) (61) WD-ARS 1272:2022, Food animal abattoirs / slaughterhouses —Code of practice for design, construction, operation and maintenance (small-scale, rural and industrial scale) Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 24, Wood and timber products
Scope Standardization of round, sawn and processed timber, and timber materials in and for use in all applications, panels such as fibreboards, particle boards and plywood based on lignocellulosic materials (derived from wood or other materials) including terminology, classification, dimensions, test methods and quality requirements, wood and wood-based industries, including but not limited to sustainability and renewability aspects, chain of custody, timber tracking and timber measurement, across the entire supply chain from biomass production to the finished wood and wood-based products, structural applications of timber, wood -based panels, other wood based products, and related lignocellulosic fibrous materials including: requirements for design; structural properties, performance, and design values of materials, products, components, and assemblies and; test methods and requirements to establish related structural, mechanical and physical properties and performance. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 89, Wood-based panels ISO/TC 165, Timber structures; ISO/TC 218, Timber ISO/TC 287, Sustainable processes for wood and wood-based products ISO/TC 296, Bamboo and rattan CEN/TC 175, Round and sawn timber; CEN/TC 124, Timber structures CEN/TC 142, Woodworking machines – Safety; CEN/TC 112, Wood-based panels; CEN/TC 38, Durability of wood and wood-based products Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards Under Development 1. WD-ARS 1318:2017, Laminated timber (glulam) — Specification 2. WD-ARS 1319:2017, Softwood flooring board — Specification 3. WD-ARS 1320-1:2017, Structural laminated veneer lumber — Part 1: Specifications 4. WD-ARS 1320-2:2017, Structural laminated veneer lumber — Part 2: Dimensions and shape 5. WD-ARS 1320-3:2017, Structural laminated veneer lumber — Part 3: Structural properties 6. WD-ARS 1320-4:2017, Structural laminated veneer lumber — Part 4: Evaluation methods 7. WD-ARS 1321:2017, Plywood and composite board — Specification 8. WD-ARS 1322-1:2017, Sawn eucalyptus timber — Part 1: Proof-graded structural timber 9. WD-ARS 1322-2:2017, Sawn eucalyptus timber — Part 2: Brandering and battens 10. WD-ARS 1323-1:2017, Sawn softwood timber — Part 1: General requirements 11. WD-ARS 1323-2:2017, Sawn softwood timber — Part 2: Stress-graded structural timber for frame wall construction 12. WD-ARS 1323-3:2017, Sawn softwood timber — Part 3: Industrial timber 13. WD-ARS 1323-4:2017, Sawn softwood timber — Part 4: Brandering and battens 14. WD-ARS 1324:2017, The preservative treatment of timber 15. WD-ARS 1325:2017, Wooden ceiling and panelling boards 16. Terminology of Bamboo and Bamboo Products 17. Bamboo charcoal 18. Bamboo charcoal for fuel 19. Bamboo curtain 20. Quality grading standards of main bamboo shoot 21. Plaited bamboo products 22. General technical requirements for bamboo – culm furniture 23. Plybamboo for furniture Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 25, Flooring, roofing and wall finishing
Scope Standardization in the field of flooring, roofing and wall finishing as well as terminology. ARSO/TC 25/SC 1, Roof covering products Scope Standardization in the area of general and specific requirements and test methods for roof covering products for discontinuous laying and products for wall cladding. The essential characteristics for wall coverings include: Reaction to fire (only for coverings intended for uses on walls subject to reaction to fire regulations; Release of formaldehyde (where relevant, according to material); Release of pentachlorophenol (where relevant, according to material); Release of other dangerous substances; Susceptibility to the growth of harmful micro-organisms; Water vapour permeability (only for coverings intended for use on walls subject to water vapour control requirements); Water permeability (only for coverings intended for use on walls subject to water penetration requirements) Thermal resistance (only for coverings intended for use on walls subject to thermal insulation requirements. Roof covering, floor coverings and wall cladding products are used worldwide to cover roofs, floors and external walls of all types of buildings. Some of the products are used internally as well. The various materials used include natural raw materials, like clay, natural slate and stone, combined materials like concrete, ceramics, fibre-cement and bituminous products, metals, metal faced insulated sandwich panels and plastics. The shapes in which they are used include: small elements: tiles and their fittings, shingles, sidings, slates large elements: flat, profiled and corrugated sheets, sandwich panels, flexible sheets for waterproofing and accessories for inclined roofs: rooflights, roof access, roof ladders, eaves gutters and downpipes. ARSO/TC 25/SC2, Doors, windows, shutters, building hardware and curtain walling Scope Standardization of performance requirements, terminology, manufacturing sizes and dimensions, and methods of test for: windows including roof windows; doors, internal and external doorsets; shutters, external and internal blinds and shutters; building hardware, as emergency exit devices, controlled door closing devices, cylinders for locks, locks and latches, padlocks and padlock fittings; industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates; curtain walling. The standardization covers: Wood and other lignocellulosic material based doors, windows and shutters Metal doors, windows and shutters Plastic doors, windows and shutters Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 162, Doors, windows and curtain walling; ISO/TC 219, Floor coverings CEN/TC 33, Doors, windows, shutters, building hardware and curtain walling CEN/TC 99, Wallcoverings; CEN/TC 128, Roof covering products for discontinuous laying and products for wall cladding CEN/TC 134, Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings CEN/TC 254, Flexible sheets for waterproofing CEN/TC 361, Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing – Definitions/requirements and test methods
ARSO/TC 26, Built environment
Scope Standardization in the field of building and civil engineering, covering: (a) General rules for the performance requirements for buildings and building elements including the coordination of these with performance requirements of building components to be used in building and civil engineering; (b) Common rules for the assessment of the environmental performance of new and existing buildings within the framework of integrated performance of buildings (c) Construction management, (including safety in construction) (d) Prevention of crime by urban planning and building design to ensure “a secure and safe town free, as far as possible, from crime, delinquency and aggression” (e) Building automation, controls and building management (f) Building environment design, thermal performance and energy use in the built environment (g) Fire protection and fire fighting (h) Fire safety (i) fire containment, (ii) Integration of fire resistance tests and calculations with fire safety engineering, (iii) Fire threat to people and environment, (iv) Fire hazard testing for electrotechnical products (i) Building and structural codes (j) Lifts, escalators and moving walks (k) Bases for design of structures Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 59, Buildings and civil engineering works; ISO/TC 92, Fire safety ISO/TC 98, Bases for design of structures ISO/TC 163, Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment ISO/TC 178, Lifts, escalators and moving walks; ISO/TC 182, Geotechnics ISO/TC 195, Building construction machinery and equipment ISO/TC 205, Building environment design CEN/TC 325, Crime prevention through building, facility and area design CEN/TC 350, Sustainability of construction works CEN/TC 371, Energy Performance of Buildings project group CEN/TC 156, Ventilation for buildings CEN/TC 151, Construction equipment and building material machines – Safety CEN/TC 126, Acoustic properties of building elements and of buildings CEN/TC 127, Fire safety in buildings CEN/TC 89, Thermal performance of buildings and building components CEN/TC 442, Building Information Modelling (BIM)
ARSO/TC 27, Pipes and ducting systems
Scope Standardization of requirements and test methods for geometrical, chemical, physical and other characteristics of components, joints and systems. Standardization of pipes, fittings, valves and auxiliary equipments intended for the transport of fluids and made from all types of plastic materials, including all types of reinforced plastics. Metal fittings used with plastics pipes are also included. This standardization includes: for pipes, flanges, fittings, valves and auxiliary equipments — dimensions and their tolerances; requirements for chemical, mechanical and physical properties and appropriate test methods; requirements and test methods for other properties relevant to particular applications; temperature and pressure ratings. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 5, Ferrous metal pipes and metallic fittings ISO/TC 138, Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids CEN/TC 107, Prefabricated district heating and district cooling pipe system CEN/TC 155, Plastics piping systems and ducting systems CEN/TC 203, Cast iron pipes, fittings and their joints CEN/TC 208, Elastomeric seals for joints in pipework and pipelines CEN/TC 267, Industrial piping and pipelines
ARSO/TC 28, Drainage engineering
(a) Wastewater and drainage To harmonize standards related to: the performance and installation in the field of waste water engineering for systems and components, components of discharge pipes, drain and sewer pipes, pipelines, separators etc. design, calculation, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance in the field of waste water engineering from the point of view of origin including surface water runoff up to the point of disposal, treatment plants, rivers, lakes or seas. Storm water management Waste collection and disposal management (b) Sanitary appliances and fittings The TC will elaborate a set of African Standards in the sanitary appliances sector, irrespective of the material of which they are made, including aspects relating to mechanical performances, hygiene, dimensions, specifications and test methods. Equivalent Committees: CEN/TC 165, Waste water engineering ISO/TC 224, Service activities relating to drinking water supply, wastewater and stormwater systems
ARSO/TC 29, Road, rail, air and water transport infrastructure
Scope Standardization of: (a) the road systems, road and bridge design and construction, road maintenance, road materials and equipment (b) all systems, products and services specifically related to the railway sector, including design, manufacture, construction, operation, and maintenance of parts and equipment, methods and technology, interfaces between infrastructure, vehicles and the environment, including those electrotechnical and electronic products and services. (d) design, construction, structural elements, outfitting parts, equipment, methods and technology, and marine environmental matters, used in shipbuilding and the operation of ships, comprising sea-going ships, vessels for inland navigation, offshore structures, ship-to-shore interface and all other marine structures subject to IMO requirements. (e) materials, components and equipment for construction and operation of aircraft and space vehicles as well as equipment used in the servicing and maintenance of these vehicles. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 241, Road traffic safety management systems CEN/WS SUSTINROADS, Sustainability assessment of roads CEN/TC 226, Road equipment; CEN/TC 227, Road materials CEN/TC 336, Bituminous binders; CEN/TC 337, Road operation equipment and products
ARSO/TC 30, Building and construction materials
Scope Standardization in the field of building and construction materials including: (a) Concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete (b) Cement, building limes and clay products (c) Stones and aggregates (d) Products in fibre reinforced cement (e) Fibre-concrete and cement matrix products (f) Refractory products and materials (g) Masonry and gypsum units and related products (h) Glass in building (i) Steel and aluminium products Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 74, Cement and lime ISO/TC 77, Products in fibre reinforced cement ISO/TC 160, Glass in building ISO/TC 327, Natural stones ISO/TC 328, Engineered stones CEN/TC 51, Cement and building limes CEN/TC 125, Masonry CEN/TC 187, Refractory products and materials CEN/TC JWG 229/246, Agglomerated stones CEN/TC 349, Sealants for joints in building construction CEN/TC 351, Construction Products – Assessment of release of dangerous substances Harmonised and Published African Standards (1) ARS 670-1:2019, Compressed earth blocks — Part 1: Definitions, classifications specifications (2) ARS 670-2:2019, Compressed earth blocks — Part 2: Earth mortars (3) ARS 670-3:2019, Compressed earth blocks — Part 3: Test methods (4) ARS 670-4:2019, Compressed earth blocks — Part 4: Code of practice for production and construction (5) ARS 1301:2016, Guideline for laying clay roofing tiles (6) ARS 1302:2016, Burnt clay bricks — Specification (7) ARS 1303:2016, Guidelines for laying clay bricks (8) ARS 1304:2016, Guidelines for use of various types of cement (9) ARS 1305:2016, Guidelines for rammed earth structures (10) ARS 1306-1:2019, Guide for concrete — Part 1: Materials and testing (11) ARS 1307:2019, Guideline for energy efficiency in buildings (12) ARS 1308:2019, Guidelines for structural design for heavy duty pavement constructed of concrete or clay paving units (13) ARS 1336:2019, Guidelines for laying of precast concrete or clay paving units Standards Under Development (1) WD-ARS 1302:2018, Burnt clay masonry units (bricks and blocks) — Specification (2) CD-ARS 1306-2:2017, Guide for concrete — Part 2 (3) CD-ARS 1309:2017, Guidelines for structural design for light traffic pavement constructed of concrete or clay paving units (4) CD-ARS 1310-2017, Good construction practices for residential buildings (5) CD-ARS 1311:2017, Guidelines for policy makers in the building and construction industry (6) CD-ARS 1312:2017, Standard terminology relating roofing and waterproofing (7) CD-ARS 1313:2017, Code of practice for the use of profiled sheet for roof and wall cladding on buildings (8) CD-ARS 1314:2017, Specification for nails — Steel nails (9) WD-ARS 1315:2017, Steel sheets (plain and profiled) for roofing — Specification (10) WD-ARS 1316:2017, Standard specification for roofing slate (11) WD-ARS 1317:2017, Recycled aggregates for use in civil engineering works and road construction — Specification (12) WD-ARS 1318:2017, Laminated timber (glulam) — Specification (13) WD-ARS 1319:2017, Softwood flooring board — Specification (14) WD-ARS 1320-1:2017, Structural laminated veneer lumber — Part 1: Specifications (15) WD-ARS 1320-2:2017, Structural laminated veneer lumber — Part 2: Dimensions and shape (16) WD-ARS 1320-3:2017, Structural laminated veneer lumber — Part 3: Structural properties (17) WD-ARS 1320-4:2017, Structural laminated veneer lumber — Part 4: Evaluation methods (18) WD-ARS 1321:2017, Plywood and composite board — Specification (19) WD-ARS 1322-1:2017, Sawn eucalyptus timber — Part 1: Proof-graded structural timber (20) WD-ARS 1322-2:2017, Sawn eucalyptus timber — Part 2: Brandering and battens (21) WD-ARS 1323-1:2017, Sawn softwood timber — Part 1: General requirements (22) WD-ARS 1323-2:2017, Sawn softwood timber — Part 2: Stress-graded structural timber for frame wall construction (23) WD-ARS 1323-3:2017, Sawn softwood timber — Part 3: Industrial timber (24) WD-ARS 1323-4:2017, Sawn softwood timber — Part 4: Brandering and battens (25) WD-ARS 1324:2017, The preservative treatment of timber (26) WD-ARS 1325:2017, Wooden ceiling and panelling boards (27) WD-ARS 1326:2017, Guidelines for design of bus stops (ordinary, transit and intercity termini) (28) WD-ARS 1327:2018, Public toilet design guidelines — Urban and similar environments (29) WD-ARS 1328:2017, Public toilet design guidelines for rural areas (30) WD-ARS 1329:2017, Glossary of terms relating to building clay products (31) WD-ARS 1330:2017, Burnt clay roofing tiles — Specification (32) WD-ARS 1331:2017, Code of practice for laying clay flooring tiles (33) WD-ARS 1332:2017, Manufactured stone masonry units — Specification (34) WD-ARS 1333:2017, Compressed stabilized earth blocks — Requirements, production and construction (35) WD-ARS 1334:2017, Concrete masonry units — Specification (36) WD-ARS 1335:2017, Construction of hollow and solid concrete block masonry — Code of practice (37) WD-ARS 1337:2018, Natural stone masonry units — Specification (38) WD-ARS 1338:2018, Construction with natural stone masonry — Code of practice (39) WD-ARS 1339:2018, Adobe blocks — Requirements, production and construction (40) WD-ARS 1340:2018, Production of natural stone for building — Sustainability assessment and certification (41) WD-ARS 1341:2018, Green building technologies — Guidelines for design, construction and operation (42) WD-ARS 1342:2018, Green building design and construction — Assessment and certification guide (43) WD-ARS 1343:2018, Sustainable sand mining — Requirements and assessment guidelines (44) WD-ARS 1344:2018, Guidelines for safe housing design (45) WD-ARS 1345:2018, Glossary of terms relating to housing (46) WD-ARS 1346:2018, Natural building stone — Terminology (47) WD-ARS 1347:2017, Calcium silicate masonry units — Specification Click Here to Download the Technical Committee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 31, Farm implements and machinery for agriculture and forestry
Scope (a) Tractors, trailers and machinery for agriculture and forestry Standardization of tractors, machines, systems, implements and their equipment used in agriculture and forestry as well as gardening, landscaping, irrigation and other related areas in which such equipment is used, including electronic/electrical aspects and electronic identification as well as electronic identification of all categories of animals. Typical areas include: Common tests Safety and comfort Tractors Equipment for crop protection Equipment for harvesting and conservation Powered lawn and garden equipment Operator controls, operator symbols and other displays, operator manuals Machinery for forestry Manually portable forest machinery Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems Agricultural electronics (b) Semi-powered farm implements and equipment (c) Animal drawn farm implements and equipment (d) Hand farm implements and equipment (e) Agricultural structures and management systems Elaboration of standard specifications, codes of practice, specifications, methods of test and sampling of farm structures for animals, grain storage, farm produce/input storage and related uses and farm management systems taking into account environmental factors and sustainable agricultural practices. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry CEN/TC 144, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry CEN/TC 334, Irrigation techniques
ARSO/TC 32, Household and commercial hardware, appliances and equipment
Scope Standardization in the field of household and commercial hardware, appliances and equipment including ceramics, metalware, glassware and plastics used in cooking, serving, transport, storage and packaging. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 166, Ceramic ware, glassware and glass ceramic ware in contact with food; ISO/TC 186, Cutlery and table and decorative metal hollow-ware ISO/TC 291, Domestic gas cooking appliances CEN/TC 299, Gas-fired sorption appliances, indirect fired sorption appliances, gas-fired endothermic engine heat pumps and domestic gas-fired washing and drying appliances; CEN/TC 426, Domestic appliances used for water treatment not connected to water supply; CEN/TC 163, Sanitary appliances CEN/TC 44, Commercial and Professional Refrigerating Appliances and Systems, Performance and Energy Consumption CEN/TC 49, Gas cooking appliances CEN/TC 58, Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous or liquid fuels CEN/TC 181, Appliances and leisure vehicle installations using liquefied petroleum gas and appliances using natural gas for outdoor use CEN/TC 281, Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing CEN/TC 295, Residential solid fuel burning appliances CEN/TC 106, Large kitchen appliances using gaseous fuels
ARSO/TC 33, Manufacturing and light engineering
Scope Standardization with respect to the following subject areas: Industrial and production automation systems and robotics Consumer products and allied equipment Metal forming machines General engineering and fasteners Fluid power systems Machine tools, machine tool elements and holding devices Hand tools Transmission devices Cutting tools Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 29, Small tools; ISO/TC 39, Machine tools ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes CEN/TC 143, Machine tools – Safety; CEN/SS I09, Small tools CEN/TC 255, Hand-held, non-electric power tools – Safety ISO/TC 118, Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment ISO/TC 14, Shafts for machinery and accessories CEN/TC 198, Printing and paper machinery – Safety CEN/TC 202, Foundry machinery; CEN/TC 438, Additive Manufacturing
ARSO/TC 34, Iron, steel and other metals
Scope Standardization in the field of iron, steel, aluminium, magnesium, titanium and their alloys and products (other than structural sections) including their chemical/instrumental analysis Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 25, Cast irons and pig irons ISO/TC 26, Copper and copper alloys ISO/TC 102, Iron ore and direct reduced iron ISO/TC 167, Steel and aluminium structures ISO/TC 183, Copper, lead, zinc and nickel ores and concentrates ISO/TC 226, Materials for the production of primary aluminium CEN/TC 132, Aluminium and aluminium alloys CEN/TC 133, Copper and copper alloys CEN/TC 135, Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures CEN/TC 459, ECISS – European Committee for Iron and Steel Standardization ISO/TC 18, Zinc and zinc alloys ISO/TC 17, Steel ISO/TC 105, Steel wire ropes ISO/TC 111, Round steel link chains, chain slings, components and accessories CEN/TC 344, Steel static storage systems
ARSO/TC 35, Surface active agents
Scope Standardization of classification, terminology, specifications, codes of practice, methods of sampling and test, performance methods for surface active agents. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 91, Surface active agents; CEN/TC 276, Surface active agents CEN/TC 328, Standard measuring system for cleaning performance Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards Under Development 1. WD-ARS 1453:2019, Liquid toilet soap — Specification 2. WD-ARS 1454:2019, Gel soap — Specification 3. WD-ARS 1456:2019, Soap powder or chips — Specification 4. WD-ARS 1460:2019, Baby toilet soaps — Specification 5. WD-ARS 1468:2019, Anti-bacterial liquid toilet soap — Specification 6. WD-ARS 1469:2019, Anti-bacterial solid toilet soap — Specification 7. WD-ARS 1475:2019, General purpose liquid soap — Specification New Work Item proposals 1. NWIP -ARS 1458:2020, Filled bar soap — Specification 2. NWIP-ARS 1471:2020, Synthetic organic liquid detergent for household use — Specification 3. NWIP-ARS 1473-1:2020, Synthetic liquid laundry detergents — Specification — Part 1: Hand wash 4. NWIP-ARS 1473-2:2020, Synthetic liquid laundry detergents — Specification — Part 2: Machine wash 5. NWIP-ARS 1477:2020, Synthetic detergent paste — Specification 6. NWIP-ARS 1478:2020, Synthetic industrial detergent powder — Specification 7. NWIP-ARS 1479:2020, Soap noodles — Specification 8. NWIP-ARS 1480:2020, Oven cleaner and grease remover — Specification 9. NWIP-ARS 1481:2020, Carpet and upholstery shampoo — Specification 10. NWIP-ARS 1489:2020, Tooth paste — Specification 11. NWIP-ARS 1501:2020, Detergent concentrates — Specification Click Here to Download the Technical Committee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calendar Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 36, Paper and paper products
Scope Standardization of terminology, specifications, methods of sampling and test, codes of practice and packaging for paper and paper products. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 6, Paper, board and pulps CEN/TC 172, Pulp, paper and board CEN/WS 096, Mapping of future needs of standardisation in the paper and board sector
ARSO/TC 37, Petroleum and petrochemical products
Scope Standardization for petroleum and petrochemical products in particular terminology, classification, methods of sampling and test, specifications, codes of practice and storage and transportation. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 28, Petroleum and related products, fuels and lubricants from natural or synthetic sources CEN/TC 19, Gaseous and liquid fuels, lubricants and related products of petroleum, synthetic and biological origin CEN/TC 23, Transportable gas cylinders CEN/TC 286, Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories
ARSO/TC 38, Organic and inorganic chemicals
Scope Standardization of terminology, classification, methods of sampling and test, codes of practice, packaging and storage and transportation for organic and inorganic chemical. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 47, Chemistry; ISO/TC 48, Laboratory equipment ISO/TC 189, Ceramic tile; ISO/TC 206, Fine ceramics ISO/TC 264, Fireworks; CEN/TC 67, Ceramic tiles CEN/TC 184, Advanced technical ceramics; CEN/TC 193, Adhesives CEN/TC 212, Pyrotechnic articles; CEN/TC 332, Laboratory equipment CEN/TC 369, Candle fire safety; CEN/SS C20, Explosives and firework
ARSO/TC 39, Paints, varnishes and related products
Scope Standardization of terminology, methods of sampling and tests, codes of practice, performance methods and specifications on paints, varnishes and related products. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes ISO/TC 107, Metallic and other inorganic coatings CEN/TC 139, Paints and varnishes
ARSO/TC 40, Cosmetics and personal care products
Scope Standardization of cosmetics and personal care products, in particularly terminology, classification, characteristics, specifications and methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 217, Cosmetics; CEN/TC 392, Cosmetics ISO/TC 106/SC 7, Oral care products
ARSO/TC 41, Plastics and rubber products
Scope Standardization of nomenclature, methods of sampling and test, specifications and codes of practices for plastics and rubber products. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 61, Plastics; ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products ISO/TC 270, Plastics and rubber machines CEN/TC 218, Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies CEN/TC 249, Plastics
ARSO/TC 42, Industrial and medical gases
Scope Standardization in the fields of terminology, classification, characteristics, specifications, methods of sampling and test, performance methods and storage and transportation for industrial and medical gases. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 142, Cleaning equipment for air and other gases ISO/TC 158, Analysis of gases CEN/TC 238, Test gases, test pressures, appliance categories and gas appliance types
ARSO/TC 43, Scholastic materials
Scope Standardization of terminology, classification, characteristics, specifications, methods of sampling and test, codes of practice, packaging and performance methods for scholastic materials. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 10, Technical product documentation ISO/TC 42, Photography
ARSO/TC 44, Toys, sports and leisure equipment
Scope Standardization of terminology, classification, characteristics, specifications, methods of sampling and test, codes of practice, packaging and performance methods for toys, sports and leisure equipment. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 83, Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment ISO/TC 181, Safety of toys; CEN/TC 52, Safety of toys CEN/TC 136, Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment CEN/TC 217, Surfaces for sports areas ISO/TC 254, Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices
ARSO/TC 45, Foam products
Scope Standardization of terminology, specifications, methods of sampling and test, codes of practice for foam products.
ARSO/TC 46, Information technology
Scope Standardization in the field of information technology. Equivalent Committees: ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology
ARSO/TC 47, Small electrical power technologies
Scope Standardization in the field of small electrical energy systems including technical and renewable energy systems. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 180, Solar energy ISO/TC 197, Hydrogen technologies IEC/TC 21, Secondary cells and batteries IEC/TC 82, Solar photovoltaic energy systems IEC/TC 88, Wind energy generation systems IEC/TC 105, Fuel cell technologies IEC/TC 114, Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters IEC/TC 117, Solar thermal electric plants IEC/TC 120, Electrical Energy Storage (EES) Systems
ARSO/TC 48, Electrical installations, accessories and safety regulations
Scope Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification — Standardization of general and safety application in the electrotechnical field concerning the man-machine interface, marking and identification in electrical installations and equipment Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units — Standardization of electrical installations and equipment of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units Electrical accessories — Standardization of electrical accessories for household and similar purposes Industrial electroheating equipment — Standardization of all types of industrial electroheating equipment and its possible applications. Equipment for explosive atmospheres — Standardization of equipment for use where there is a hazard due to the possible presence of explosive atmospheres of gases, vapours, mists or combustible dusts. Electrical installations and protection against electric shock: Standards: concerning protection against electric shock arising from equipment, from installations and from systems without limit of voltage; for the design, erection and verification of all kind of electrical installations; Degrees of protection provided by enclosures: Standards including appropriate test methods for degrees of protection provided by enclosures against ingress of solid foreign objects and water and against access to dangerous parts. Short-circuit currents: Standardised procedures for the calculation of short-circuit currents, and the thermal and mechanical effects. Live working: Standards for tools, equipment and devices for utilization in Live Working, including their performance requirements, care and maintenance. Lightning protection: Standards and guides for lightning protection for structures and buildings, as well for persons, installations, services and contents.
ARSO/TC 49, Electrical cables, overhead conductors and overhead lines
Scope Electric cables — Standardization of the design, testing and end-use recommendations (including current ratings) for insulated electrical power and control cables, their accessories and cable systems, for use in wiring and in power generation, distribution and transmission. Overhead electrical conductors — Specifications and guidance for fabrication and utilization of overhead electrical conductors, including: Types of overhead ground wires, All shapes of round and non-round wires, Hardware directly connected to conductor for the purpose of maintaining electrical/mechanical continuity, Conductors made of various metals such as aluminium, steel, copper, etc. and their combinations. Overhead lines — Standardization in the filed of overhead lines above 1 kV nominal voltage. Winding wires — Standardization in the field of wires for electrical winding, irrespective of conductor material, shape, size, or type of covering
ARSO/TC 50, Electrical machines and equipment
Scope To prepare standards regarding specifications for rotating electrical machines without limitations of voltage, output or dimensions.
ARSO/TC 51, Switchgear, control gear, transmission and distribution equipment
Scope Fluids for electrotechnical applications: Standardization in the field of liquid and gaseous dielectrics. Power transformers: Standardization in the filed ofn power transformers, on-load tap-changers and reactors above 1 kVA single phase and 5 kVA polyphase. Solid electrical insulating materials: Standards including specifications for solid electrical insulating materials alone and in simple combinations. This includes coatings which are applied in the liquid state but cure to solids, such as varnishes and coatings. Switchgear and controlgear: Standards regarding specifications for circuit-breakers, switches, contactors, starters, disconnectors, busbars and any switchgear assemblies, with the exception of those for domestic and similar use. Fuses: Standards regarding specifications for all types of fuses, with the object of determining: Power capacitors: Standards for power capacitors. Surge arresters: Standards regarding: Specifications for surge arresters and other surge protective devices (SPDs) for a.c. and d.c. systems. Safety of machinery — Electrotechnical aspects — Standardization in the field of electrotechnical equipment and systems of machinery (including a group of machines working together in a coordinated manner, excluding higher level system aspects) not portable by hand while working.; Standardization of electrotechnical equipment and systems relating to the protection of persons from specific machinery hazards especially with regard to AC/37/2006 Product and safety committees, Insulators — Standardisation of insulators for high voltage systems and equipment including bushings, insulators for overhead lines and substations and their couplings. Transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products for low voltage up to 1100 V — Standardisation in the field of safety and EMC of transformers, reactors, power supply units, and similar products for low voltages up to 1100 V and a rated frequency up to 100 MHz. In particular transformers and power supply units intended to allow the application of protective measures against electric shock as defined by TC 64 “Electrical installations in buildings”. The maximum rated output voltage depends on the type of transformers, but does in most cases not exceed AC 1100 V, and the rated output is limited as follows: Transformers The maximum rated output depends on the type of transformers but does not in most cases exceed 25 kVA for single-phase transformers and 40 kVA for polyphase transformers. Power supply units The maximum rated output is 1 kVA. Reactors The maximum rated output is 2 kVAR for single-phase reactors and 10 kVAR for polyphase reactors. Special transformers, reactors and power supply units There is no limitation of rated output. System engineering and erection of electrical power installations in systems with nominal voltages above 1kV a.c. and 1.5kV d.c., particularly concerning safety aspects — Standardisation of common rules for system engineering and erection of electrical power installations with nominal voltages above 1 kV a.c and 1.5 kV d.c. for power generation, transmission, distribution, for industrial and consumer premises, with particular consideration of safety aspects in both indoor and outdoor situations.
ARSO/TC 52, Lamps, related accessories and illumination engineering
Scope Standardization in the field of lamps and related accesories Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes — Standardization of the design, installation, operation and maintenance of aeronautical ground lighting of aerodromes.
ARSO/TC 53, Textiles, textile products and accessories
Scope Standardization for textiles, textile products and accessories in particularly terminology, classification, characteristics, specifications, methods of sampling and test, performance methods and codes of practice. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 38, Textiles ISO/TC 72, Textile machinery and accessories ISO/TC 133, Clothing sizing systems – size designation, size measurement methods and digital fittings ISO/TC 148, Sewing machines CEN/TC 214, Textile machinery and accessories CEN/TC 248, Textiles and textile products Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Egypt (3) Ethiopia (4) Ghana (5) Kenya (6) Malawi (7) Mali (8) Mauritius (9) Niger (10) Nigeria (11) Rwanda (12) Senegal (13) South Africa (14) South Sudan (15) Tanzania (16) Togo (17) Uganda (18) Zimbabwe, (Observer) Zanzibar Leadership Chairperson: Kenya – Professor Igadwa Mwasiagi, Lecturer, Textiles – Moi University Secretary: Kenya – Jane Wambui Wainaina, Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 53 1. Working Group 1 – General Textiles (Convenor – Dr. Lydia Kinuthia (Kenya), Secretary – Mr. Amos Benson (Ghana)) 2. Working Group 2 – Beddings, Linings and Canvas (Convenor – Mr. Levi Brian Kanene (Uganda), Secretary – Ms. Deborah Appiah (Ghana)) 3. Working Group 3 – Ropes, Cordages, Slings and Netting (Convenor – Ms. Jennifer Nakimu (Uganda), Secretary – Ms. Mary Sekumade (Nigeria)) 4. Working Group 4 – Technical Textiles (Convenor – Mr. Ken Oduor (Kenya), Secretary – Ms. Poppy Kgabung (Botswana)) Harmonised and Published African Standards (1) ARS 653:2019, Textiles — Sanitary towels — Specification (2) ARS 658-1:2019, Textiles — Socks — Part 1: Mens and womens socks — Specification (3) ARS 658-2:2019, Textiles — Socks — Part 2: Commercial and sports hose — Specification (4) ARS 1551:2017, Textiles and textile merchandise — Terms and definitions (5) ARS 1552:2017, Standard methods of garment measurement — Code of practice (6) ARS 1566:2017, Disposable diapers for infants — Specification (7) ARS 1567-1:2017, School wear fabrics — Part 1: Basic requirements (8) ARS 1567-2:2017, School wear fabrics — Part 2: Blazer fabrics (9) ARS 1567-3:2017, School wear fabrics — Part 3: Polyester and wool fabrics (10) ARS 1567-4:2017, School wear fabrics — Part 4: Polyester and viscose fabrics (11) ARS 1567-5:2017, School wear fabrics — Part 5: Polyester and cotton fabrics (12) ARS 1567-6:2017, School wear fabrics — Part 6: Shirting and blouse fabrics (13) ARS 1567-7:2017, School wear fabrics — Part 7: Fabrics containing textured yarns (14) ARS 1567-8:2017, School wear fabrics — Part 8: Warp knitted fabrics (15) ARS 1568-1:2017, School clothing — Part 1: General requirements for school clothing (16) ARS 1568-2:2017, School clothing — Part 2: Blazers (17) ARS 1568-3:2017, School clothing — Part 3: Trousers and shorts (18) ARS 1568-4:2017, School clothing — Part 4: Shirts (19) ARS 1568-6:2017, School clothing — Part 6: Dresses, tunics and gyms (20) ARS 1568-7:2017, School clothing — Part 7: Slacks and skirts (21) ARS 1568-9:2017, School clothing —Part 9: Knee highs and socks (22) ARS 1568-10:2017, School clothing — Part 10: Jerseys and cardigans (23) ARS 1568-12:2017, School clothing — Part 12: Tracksuits (24) ARS 1568-13:2017, School clothing — Part 13: Athletic wear (25) ARS 1569:2019, The labelling and marking of textiles and household textile articles (26) ARS 1570:2019, Printed labels for textiles (27) ARS 1571:2019, Textiles — Woven sacks for packing cement — High density polyethylene/poly propylene — Specification (28) ARS 1572:2019, Textiles — Disposable adult diapers — Specification (29) ARS 1573-1:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 1: Basic requirements for piece-goods and made-up articles (30) ARS 1573-2:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 2: Winter sheeting, sheets and pillowcases (31) ARS 1573-3:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 3: Cotton sheeting, sheets and pillowcases (32) ARS 1573-4:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 4: Polyester-and-cotton sheeting, sheets and pillowcases (33) ARS 1573-5:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 5: Terry towelling, towels, and other terry weave articles (34) ARS 1573-6:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 6: Cotton curtain fabrics (35) ARS 1573-7:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 7: Cotton curtain lining (36) ARS 1573-8:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 8: Bedspread fabrics and bedspreads (37) ARS 1573-9:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 9: Cotton flannelette duster fabric and dusters (38) ARS 1573-10:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 10: Cotton ticking (39) ARS 1573-11:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 11: Featherproof fabrics (40) ARS 1573-12:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 12: Kitchen cloth fabric and kitchen cloths (41) ARS 1573-13:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 13: Cotton huckaback towelling and towels (42) ARS 1573-14:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 14: Cotton table-cloth fabric, table-cloths and table napkins (43) ARS 1573-15:2019, Textiles — Woven cotton and similar household fabrics and articles — Part 15: Cotton dishcloth fabrics and dishcloths (44) ARS 1574:2019, General requirements for woven textile piece-goods and household articles (45) ARS 1575:2019, Textiles — Reusable sanitary towels — Specification Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 54, Leather, leather products and accessories
Scope Standardization of terminology, classification, characteristics, specifications, methods of sampling and test, performance methods and codes of practice for Leather, leather products and accessories. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 120, Leather; CEN/TC 289, Leather Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Egypt (3) Ethiopia (4) Ghana (5) Kenya (6) Madagascar (7) Malawi (8) Mali (9) Mauritius (10) Niger (11) Nigeria (12) Rwanda (13) Senegal (14) South Africa (15) South Sudan (16) Tanzania (17) Togo (18) Uganda (19) Zimbabwe, (Observer) Zanzibar Leadership Chairperson: Tanzania – Mr. Johnson Kiwia Secretary: Tanzania – Ms. Suzan Ulomi Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 54 1. Working Group 1 – Vocabularies, General requirements and grading (Convenor – Mr. Charles Sebalinga (Uganda), Secretary – Ms. Denyse Joy Mukabayizere (Rwanda)) 2. Working Group 2 -Leather products and accessories (Convenor – Ms. Mahitab Ibrahim (Egypt), Secretary – Mr. Nickson Ndoi (Tanzania)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 55, Footwear and accessories
Scope Standardization of terminology, classification, characteristics, specifications, methods of sampling and test, performance methods and codes of practice for Footwear and accessories. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 137, Footwear sizing designations and marking systems ISO/TC 216, Footwear; CEN/TC 161, Foot and leg protectors CEN/TC 309, Footwear Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Egypt (3) Ethiopia (4) Ghana (5) Kenya (6) Madagascar (7) Malawi (8) Mali (9) Mauritius (10) Morocco (11) Niger (12) Nigeria (13) Rwanda (14) Senegal (15) South Africa (16) South Sudan (17) Tanzania (18) Togo (19) Uganda (20) Zimbabwe (Observer) Zanzibar Leadership Chairperson: Nigeria -Dr. Jerry Tagang, Nigeria Institute of Leather & Science Technology (NILEST) Secretary: Nigeria – Mr. Ahmed Saleh Adamu, Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 55 1. Working Group 1 – Critical substances and related test methods (Convenor – , Secretary – ) 2. Working Group 2 -Test methods related to performance parameters(Convenor -, Secretary – ) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 56, Transport services
Scope Standardization in the field of transport services including the following aspects: (a) Road-traffic safety management system (b) Intelligent transport systems: standardization of information, communication and control systems in the field of urban and rural surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects, traveller information, traffic management, public transport, commercial transport, emergency services and commercial services Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 204, Intelligent transport systems ISO/TC 241, Road traffic safety management systems CEN/TC 278, Intelligent transport systems CEN/TC 320, Transport – Logistics and services
ARSO/TC 57, Transportation of dangerous goods
Scope Elaboration of standards for: The identification and classification of dangerous goods for transport Transport of dangerous goods — Operational requirements for road vehicles Emergency information systems Globally Harmonized System of classification and labelling of chemicals (GHS) The classification and labelling of dangerous substances and preparations for sale and handling Safety data sheet for chemical products Technical regulations regarding transportation, handling, packaging, classification and labelling of dangerous/hazardous goods Equivalent Committees: CEN/TC 296, Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods
ARSO/TC 58, Packaging and freight containers
Scope Standardization in the field of packaging and freight containers covering: (a) Pallets for unit load method of materials handling: pallets in general use in the form of platforms or trays on which goods may be packed to form unit loads for handling by mechanical devices. (b) Packaging and packaging codes: terminology, dimensions, capacities, marking, test methods, performance requirements, codes and environmental aspects in the field of packaging and unit loads. The field covers primary, secondary and transport packaging and unit loads, whatever the materials, shapes, contents, distribution system adopted”. (c) Bar coding — Standardization of bar code symbologies, of data element architecture therefore, of the necessary test specifications and of technical features for the harmonization of cross-sector applications. Establishment of an appropriate system of registration authorities, and of means to ensure the necessary maintenance of standards. (d) Tanks, containers and vessels Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 51, Pallets for unit load method of materials handling ISO/TC 104, Freight containers
ARSO/TC 59, Automotive technology and engineering
Scope All questions of standardization concerning compatibility, interchangeability and safety, with particular reference to terminology and test procedures (including the characteristics of instrumentation) for evaluating the performance of the following types of road vehicles and their equipment and accessories (tyres, rims, valves, ) as defined in the relevant items of Article 1 of the convention on Road Traffic, Vienna in 1968 concluded under the auspices of the United Nations: mopeds (item m); motor cycles (item n); motor vehicles (item p); trailers (item q); semi-trailers (item r); light trailers (item s); combination vehicles (item t); articulated vehicles (item u). caravans electric and/or hybrid vehicles autonomous vehicles and vehicles with alternative propulsion technologies Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles ISO/TC 31, Tyres, rims and valves ISO/TC 149, Cycles ECE/TRANS/WP.29: World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) CEN/TC 326, Natural gas vehicles – Fuelling and operation Participating Member States: 1) DR. Congo, 2) Egypt, 3) Ghana 4) Kenya, 5) Madagascar, 6) Malawi, 7) Mauritius, 8) Namibia, 9) Nigeria, 10) Rwanda, 11) Seychelles, 12) Sierra Leone, 13) South Africa, 14) Tanzania, 15) TTTFP, 16) Zambia, 17) Zanzibar18) Zimbabwe Leadership Chairperson: Kenya – Eng. Carey Mbaraka, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Association of Bus Manufactures (KABM) Secretary: Kenya – Ms. Nkatha Betty, Principal Standards Officer at the Kenya Bureau of standards (KEBS) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 59 1. Working Group 1 – (Convenor – Eng. Ms. Nwoma Adonye Olujie (Nigeria), Secretary – Mr. Philip Iorliam Ianna (Nigeria)) 2. Working Group 2 – (Convenor – Mr. Mashele Joseph Surprise (South Africa), Secretary – Mr. Mashele Joseph Surprise (South Africa)) 3. Working Group 3 – (Convenor – Dr. Ayetor Godwin Kafui (Ghana), Secretary – Dr. Ayetor Godwin Kafui (Ghana)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee Key Information The work of ARSO/TC 59 is currently supported by funding from the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank)
ARSO/TC 60, Ships and boats
Scope Standardization of design, construction, training, structural elements, outfitting parts, equipment, methods and technology, and marine environmental matters, used in shipbuilding, comprising sea-going ships, vessels for inland navigation, offshore structures, ship-to-shore interface, the operation of ships, marine structures subject to IMO requirements, and the observation and exploration of the sea. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology
ARSO/TC 61, Eco-labelling, sustainability and resilient systems
Scope Standardization in the field of communication on environmental, social and economic sustainability aspects of products, i.e. goods and services, including the related programmes and verification procedures. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 207/SC 3, Environmental labelling Participating Member States: (1) Burundi (2) Cameroon (3) Egypt (4) Kenya (5) Malawi (6) Niger (7) Nigeria (8) South Sudan(9) Sudan (10) Tanzania (11) Togo (12) Uganda (13) Zimbabwe Leadership Chairperson: Uganda – Ms. Pamela Kalule Sessional Chairperson: Kenya – Mr Hassan Ndisho, manager, KOFINAF Co. Ltd. Secretary: Uganda – Mr Daniel Bakulumpagi, Standards Officer, Uganda Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 61 1. Working Group 1 – Production Processes (Convenor – Christine Kalui, Kenya (Kenya), Secretary – Reginald Dennis Gwisai (Zimbabwe)) 2. Working Group 2 – Environmental Systems (Convenor – Margaret Maoni (Malawi), Secretary – Walter Otieno (Kenya)) 3. Working Group 3 – Services (Convenor – Sitnour Hassan (Sudan), Secretary – Myriam Samson (Nigeria)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 62, Societal security (disaster and emergence management)
Scope Standardization in the field of security to enhance the safety and resilience of society. Aspects covered include: Terminology; Continuity and organizational resilience; Emergency management; Authenticity, integrity and trust for products and documents; Community resilience; Protective security Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 292, Security and resilience
ARSO/TC 63, Drinking water supply and sanitation systems
Scope Standardization of the management concepts for service activities relating to drinking water supply, wastewater and stormwater systems. This structure includes activities necessary to fulfil the objectives of water supply, wastewater and stormwater systems. Water supply for purposes other than drinking water can be included in this management concept structure. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 147, Water quality ISO/TC 224, Service activities relating to drinking water supply, wastewater and stormwater systems ISO/TC 282, Water reuse CEN/TC 164, Water supply CEN/TC 230, Water analysis
ARSO/TC 64, Environmental protection
Scope Standardization in the field of environmental protection including, but not limited to the assessment and/or management of the environmental and human health impacts of new and existing substances such as products of biotechnology, marine pollution, disposal at sea, vehicle, engine and equipment emissions, fuels, hazardous wastes, environmental emergencies, and other sources of pollution. Standards include: (i) Terminology, methods of sampling and analysis of ambient air and industrial emission, water, sewage, industrial effluents and waste water (ii) Guidelines for control of pollution of air at source, water and treatment and disposal of industrial effluents (iii) Characterization of wastes, sludges, water quality for industrial and agricultural purposes, soil quality, wastewater engineering, hazardous waste management, guidelines, codes of practice for waste management (iv) machines, equipment and management systems for collection, temporary storage and transportation of solid and sanitary liquid waste and recyclables (valuables). (ISO/TC 297) Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 297, Waste collection and transportation management CEN/TC 183, Waste management CEN/SS S27, Waste – Characterization, treatment and streams ISO/TC 190, Soil quality
ARSO/TC 65, Occupational health and safety
Scope Standardization in the field of environment to health and safety with particular relevance to the following aspects: Personal protective equipment: performance-based standards in all areas of users’ personal safety including eye protection, headgear, footwear, hearing protection, respiratory protective devices, protective clothing including hand and arm protection and lifejackets, protection against falls from heights. Workplace health and safety: Covering the following aspects among others: acoustics and noise abatement, assessment of exposure to chemical and biological agents at the workplace Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments: Standards for equipment, facilities, and operational methods for cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 283, Occupational health and safety management
ARSO/TC 66, Air quality and emissions
Scope Standardization of tools for air quality characterisation of emissions, worksplace air, ambient air, indoor air, in particular measurement methods for air pollutants (particles, gases, odours, micro-organisms) and for meteorological parameters, measurement planning, procedures for Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) and methods for the evaluation of results including the determination of uncertainty. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 146, Air quality CEN/TC 264, Air quality CEN/SS S08, Air quality CEN/TC 421, Emission safety of combustible air fresheners
ARSO/TC 67, Equipment for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas systems
Scope Standardization in the field of: design and manufacture of LPG pressure vessels (tanks and cylinders), design and manufacture of accessories (valves, gauges, fittings) for LPG pressure vessels (tanks and cylinders), operational requirements for LPG tanks used for road and rail transport (including equipping, requalification, filling and discharge procedures), automotive LPG tanks, equipment, installations and filling systems, operational requirements for transportable cylinders (including filling procedures, periodic inspection), operational requirements for static tanks (includng equipping, periodic inspection and requalification). gas pressure regulators and associated safety devices for use in gas transmission and distribution installation and equipment for LNG gas supply systems non-industrial manually operated shut-off valves for gas and particular combinations valves for other products gas meters petroleum and petroleum products industry and handling equipment Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipment Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 67, Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries ISO/TC 161, Controls and protective devices for gas and/or oil ISO/TC 193, Natural gas CEN/TC 12, Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries CEN/TC 234, Gas infrastructure CEN/TC 236, Non industrial manually operated shut-off valves for gas and particular combinations valves-other products CEN/TC 282, Installation and equipment for LNG CEN/TC 286, Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories
ARSO/TC 68, Bioenergy and biogas
Biogas Standardization in the field of biogas produced by anaerobic digestion, gasification from biomass and power to gas from biomass sources including the following aspects: Domestic biogas systems Domestic biogas installations (household and small farm scale) Institutional/community/commercial biogas systems Dedicated systems for electricity generation Flares for biogas plants Safety and environmental aspects Biomass gasification Purpose made systems for transport biofuel production In order to effectively cover the technology, it is proposed to develop standards that cover the following aspects: Terms, definitions and classification scheme for the production, conditioning and utilization of biogas System design, construction, operation, maintenance and decommissioning Systems safety System components Biogas appliances Biogas upgrades Biogas power generation equipment Biogas energy crops Test methods and equipment Systems life-cycle analysis and sustainability criteria Bioenergy: The committee shall prepare and maintain standards and other deliverables namely Technical Specifications (TS), Technical Reports (TR) and Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) for bioenergy including the following aspects: Terminology, consistency of evaluation methods and other cross-cutting issues; GHG emission balance, fossil fuel balance, and respective calculations, using a life-cycle approach; Biodiversity and environmental aspects; Economic and social aspects; Bioenergy and food security; Verification and auditing, Direct and Indirect effects; Sustainability principles, criteria and indicators and relevant guidelines. Solid biofuels: Standardization of terminology, specifications and classes, quality assurance, sampling and sample preparation and test methods in the field of raw and processed materials originating from arboriculture, agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry to be used as a source for solid biofuels Cookstoves and clean cooking solutions: Standardization in the field of cookstoves and clean cooking solutions. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 193, Natural gas ISO/TC 238, Solid biofuels ISO/TC 255, Biogas ISO/TC 285, Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions ISO/TC 300, Solid Recovered Fuels CEN/TC 343, Solid Recovered Fuels CEN/TC 408, Natural gas and biomethane for use in transport and biomethane for injection in the natural gas grid CEN/TC 441, Fuel labelling CEN/SS N21, Gaseous fuels and combustible gas CEN/TC 383, Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications
ARSO/TC 69, Mining and mineral beneficiation
Scope Standardization of: specifications relating to specialized mining machinery and equipment used in opencast mines (e.g. conveyors, high wall miners, rock drill rigs and continuous surface miners) and all underground mining machinery and equipment for the extraction of solid mineral substances [e.g. road headers, continuous miners, rock drill rigs, raise boring machines, high wall miners, LHDs, mining auger boring machines, RMDSs (rapid mine development systems)] recommended practice in the presentation of plans and drawings used in mine surveying methods of calculation of mineral reserves mine closure and reclamation management design of structures for mining industry. special refuge/rescue chambers shaft boring machines. Classification of mine accidents Advanced automated mining systems Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 82, Mining CEN/TC 196, Mining machinery and equipment – Safety
ARSO/TC 70, Solar thermal systems and equipment
Scope Standardization in the field of solar energy utilization in space and water heating, cooling, industrial process heating and air conditioning, drying and cooking. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 180, Solar energy CEN/TC 312, Thermal solar systems and components
ARSO/TC 71, Energy management and energy efficiency
Scope Standardization in the field of energy management and energy savings Energy management Data for energy management systems Methodological framework of calculation and reporting on energy savings Energy savings in regions Economics and financial evaluation Energy savings evaluators Evaluation of energy savings of thermal power plant Multiple Organizations EnMS Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 163, Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment ISO/TC 301, Energy management and energy savings CEN/TC 371, Energy Performance of Buildings project group
ARSO/TC 72, Cosmetology and wellness
Scope Standardization in the subject area of cosmetology and wellness services and products including the following: (a) Barbering; (b) Haircare; (c) Skin Care; (d) Nail Care; (e) Massage Therapy; (f) Reflexology; (g) Aromatherapy; (h) Spa Therapies; (i) Hair Removal Techniques; (j) Body art and body piercing Equivalent Committees: CEN/TC 402, Domestic Pools and Spas CEN/TC 403, Aesthetic surgery and aesthetic non-surgical medical services CEN/TC 409, Beauty Salon Services CEN/TC 435, Tattooing services
ARSO/TC 73, Financial services
Scope Standardization in the field of banking, securities, grants and other financial services including: Financial Services, security Grant financing Reference data for financial services Information exchange for financial services Sustainable finance: Standardization in the field of sustainable finance for the integration of sustainability considerations and environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices into institutional investment decision making and wider finance management. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 68, Financial services
ARSO/TC 74, Healthcare Services
Scope Standardization in the field of healthcare organization management including: classification, terminology, nomenclature, informatics, management practices and metrics that comprise the non-clinical operations in healthcare entities. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 215, Health informatics ISO/TC 304, Healthcare organization management CEN/TC 362, Healthcare services – Quality management systems CEN/WS 068, Quality criteria for health checks Participating Member States: (1) Burkina Faso (2) Cameroon (3) Chad (4) Ghana (5) Egypt (6) Ethiopia (7) Kenya (8) Malawi (9) Niger (10) Nigeria (11) Rwanda (12) South Africa (13) South Sudan (14) Sudan(15) Tanzania (16) Togo (17) Uganda (18) Zimbabwe. Leadership Chairperson: Egypt – Dr. Ahmed Adel Elsayed Abdelgawad, Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population Secretary: Zimbabwe – Mr. Phillip Chindara, Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 74 1. Working Group 1 – Genomic Informatics (Convenor – Dr. Heba Mohmed Saad Ahmed (Egypt), Secretary – Mr. Alexander William Mashalla (Tanzania)) 2. Working Group 2 – Health informatics (Convenor – Micah O. Rachuonyo (Kenya), Secretary – Mr. Gunseyo Dzinjalamala (Malawi)) 3. Working Group 3 – Healthcare Organization Management (Convenor – Mr. Alexander William Mashalla (Tanzania), Secretary – Peem Dorine (Cameroon)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 75, Building and construction services
Scope Standardization in the field of buildings and civil engineering works, of: general terminology; organization of information in the processes of design, manufacture and construction; general geometric requirements for buildings, building elements and components including modular coordination and its basic principles, general rules for joints, tolerances and fits, performance and test standards for sealants; general rules for other performance requirements, including functional and user requirements related to service life, sustainability, accessibility and usability; general rules and guidelines for addressing the economic, environmental and social impacts and aspects related to sustainable development; geometric and performance requirements for components; procurement processes, methods and procedures. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 59, Buildings and civil engineering works CEN/TC 247, Building Automation, Controls and Building Management
ARSO/TC 76, Tourism and related services
Scope Standardization of the terminology and specifications of the services offered by tourism service providers, including related activities, touristic destinations and the requirements of facilities and equipment used by them, to provide tourism buyers, providers and consumers with criteria for making informed decisions. Aspects covered include: Health tourism services; Adventure tourism; Yacht harbors; Bare boat charter services; Sustainable tourism; Accessible tourism; Accommodation; Restaurants Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 228, Tourism and related services CEN/TC 329, Tourism services Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Burundi (3) DR Congo (4) Egypt (5) Gabon (6) Kenya (7) Mauritius (8) Morocco (9) Nigeria(10) Seychelles (11) South Sudan (12) Tanzania (13) Tunisia (14) Uganda Leadership Chairperson: Uganda – Richard Kawere, Makerere University Business School Secretary: Uganda – Isihaka Hanghuja, Uganda National Body of Standardisation (UNBS) Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 76 Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee
ARSO/TC 77, Creative economy
Scope Standardization in the field of the creative economy which includes the following industries that originate from creativity or accumulation of culture which through the formation and application of intellectual properties, possess potential capacities to create wealth and job opportunities, enhance the citizens’ capacity for arts, and elevate the citizens’ living environment: (a) visual art industry, (b) music and performance art industry, (c) cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility industry, (d) handicrafts industry, (e) film industry, (f) radio and television broadcast industry, (g) publication industry, (h) advertisement industry, (i) product design industry, (j) visual communication design industry, (k) designer fashion industry, (l) architecture design industry, (m) digital content industry, (n) creativity living industry, (o) popular music and cultural content industry, (p) other emerging industries designated as such. Equivalent Committees: CEN/TC 433, Entertainment Technology – Machinery, equipment and installations
ARSO/TC 78, Medical devices and equipment
Scope Standardization in the following fields: Assistive products for persons with disability Electrical equipment in medical practice Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use Devices for administration of medicinal products and intravascular catheters Dentistry and oral hygiene products Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Implants for surgery Prosthetic and orthotics Surgical instruments Mechanical contraceptives Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices Equivalent Committee: ISO/TC 76, Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use ISO/TC 84, Devices for administration of medicinal products and catheters ISO/TC 94, Personal safety — Personal protective equipment ISO/TC 106, Dentistry ISO/TC 121, Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment ISO/TC 150, Implants for surgery ISO/TC 168, Prosthetics and orthotics ISO/TC 170, Surgical instruments ISO/TC 173, Assistive products ISO/TC 210, Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices CEN/TC 293, Assistive products and accessibility CEN/TC 205, Non-active medical devices CEN/TC 79, Respiratory protective devices CEN/TC 85, Eye protective equipment CEN/TC 215, Respiratory and anaesthetic equipment Structure of Committee This is a new ARSO Technical Committee. The members will determine if they need the committee to be structured into subcommittees or working groups. Participating Member States: (1) Algeria (2) Botswana (3) Burkina Faso(4) Cameroon (5) DR Congo (6) Egypt (7) Ghana (8) Kenya (9) Malawi (10) Niger (11) Nigeria (12) Rwanda (13) South Africa (14) Tanzania (15) Togo (16) Zambia (17) Zimbabwe Leadership Chairperson: Malawi – Professor Chomora Mikeka Sessional Chairperson: Nigeria – Prof Ephraim Nwoye Secretary: Malawi – Gunseyo Dzinjalamala Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 78 1. Working Group 1 – Diagnostic and invasive devices and administration of medicinal products (Convenor – Abigail Rankokwane (Botswana), Secretary – Chrissy Chulu (Malawi)) 2. Working Group 2 – Protective, sterilization and contraceptive devices (Convenor – Samuel Mporanzi (Rwanda), Secretary – Priscilla Asantewaa Boateng (Ghana)) 3. Working Group 3 – Electromedical devices and equipment (Convenor – Prof. Ephraim Nwoye (Nigeria), Secretary – Martin Owino (Kenya)) 4. Working Group 4 – Assistive devices (Convenor – Olalekan Omoniyi (Nigeria), Secretary – Phillip Chindara (Zimbabwe)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee Key Information The work of ARSO/TC 78 is currently supported by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) through the Arab-Africa Trade Bridges Program (AATB) under the Harmonisation of Standards for Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices in Africa Project, aimed at promoting quality and safety of medicines and medical devices imported or produced on the continent.
ARSO/TC 79, Veterinary drugs
Scope Standardization of maximum or guideline levels for individual veterinary drugs residues in food and feed, codes of practice, guidelines, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: CCRVDF, Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods
ARSO/TC 80, Pharmaceuticals and medicinal products
Scope Elaboration of standards, specifications, codes of practice, methods of test and sampling for pharmaceuticals and medicinal products. Detailed work areas Sterilization and disinfection Sterilization and disinfection in general (Including sterilization methods, air quality of surgery rooms, etc.) Sterilizing equipment Disinfectants and antiseptics — Including indicators — Chemicals for industrial and domestic disinfection purposes Sterilized packaging Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection Laboratory medicine Laboratory medicine in general Biological evaluation of medical devices Medical microbiology Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems Analysis of blood and urine including doping control Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutics in general Medicaments (including medical prescriptions Wound dressings and compresses Other standards related to pharmaceutics Disinfectants and bleaches including (i) human hygiene biocidal products, (ii) instant sanitizers, (iii) private area and public health area disinfectants and other biocidal products, (iv) veterinary hygiene biocidal products, (v) food and feed area disinfectants. The standards for chemical disinfectants shall, in a sequential mode, to qualify products depending on: (1) their activity (fungicidal, bactericidal, mycobactericidal, sporicidal, virucidal), (2) their applications (human medicine, veterinary use, food hygiene and domestic and institutional use) Equivalent Committee: ISO/TC 194, Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices ISO/TC 198, Sterilization of health care products ISO/TC 212, Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems ISO/TC 330, Surfaces with biocidal and antimicrobial properties CEN/TC 102, Sterilizers and associated equipment for processing of medical devices CEN/TC 204, Sterilization of medical devices CEN/TC 216, Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics Structure of Committee This is a new ARSO Technical Committee. The members will determine if they need the committee to be structured into subcommittees or working groups. Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Burkina Faso (3) DR Congo (4) Egypt (5) Ghana (6) Kenya (7) Malawi (8) Niger (9) Nigeria (10) Rwanda (11) South Africa (12) Tanzania (13) Togo (14) Zambia (15) Zimbabwe, Leadership Chairperson: Malawi – Dr Baxter Kachingwe Secretary: Malawi – Mr. Samson Magombo Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 80 1. Working Group 1 – Sterilization and disinfection (Convenor – Mr Philip Chindara (Zimbabwe), Secretary – Ms Lydia Nayiga (Uganda)) 2. Working Group 2 – Laboratory medicine (Convenor – Dr Ahmed Fouli (Egypt), Secretary – Dr Justin Kabera (Rwanda)) 3. Working Group 3 – Pharmaceuticals (Convenor – Dr Heba Saad (Egypt), Secretary – Ms Priscilla Boateng (Ghana)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee Key Information The work of ARSO/TC 80 is currently supported by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) through the Arab-Africa Trade Bridges Program (AATB) under the Harmonisation of Standards for Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices in Africa Project, aimed at promoting quality and safety of medicines and medical devices imported or produced on the continent.
ARSO/TC 81, Quality management and quality assurance
Scope Standardization in the field of quality management (generic quality management systems and supporting technologies), as well as quality management standardization in specific sectors at the request of the affected sector. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 176, Quality management and quality assurance
ARSO/TC 82, African traditional medicine
Scope Standardization in the field of African traditional medicine systems with focus on: terminology and documentation; quality and safety of raw materials; manufactured products; medical devices and equipment; monographs of medicinal plants; sustainable collection and cultivation practices; treatments procedures and codes of practice. Equivalent Committee: ISO/TC 249, Traditional Chinese Medicine Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Burkina Faso (3) DR Congo (4) Egypt (5) Ethiopia (6) Gabon (7) Ghana (8) Kenya (9) Mauritius (10) Malawi (11) Niger (12) Nigeria (13) Rwanda (14) Sénégal (15) South Africa (16) Sudan (17) Tanzania (18) Togo (19) Zambia (20) Zimbabwe Leadership Chairperson: Nigeria – Prof Maurice Iwu Secretary: Nigeriai – Ms Uduak Udoso Working Groups under Technical Committee TC 82 1. Working Group 1 – Terminology and documentation (Convenor – Dr. Charlotte Ndiribe (Nigeria), Secretary – Ms. Caroline Momanyi (Kenya)) 2. Working Group 2 – Cultivation, collection, quality and safety of raw materials (Convenor – Dr. Elsayed Omar (Egypt), Secretary – Ms Christine Muturi (Kenya)) 3. Working Group 3 – Quality, safety and efficacy of manufactured ATM products (Convenor – Prof Khalid Hassan (Sudan), Secretary – Mr Peters Oladosu (Nigeria)) 4. Working Group 4 – Medical devices and equipment (Convenor – Ms. Sheila Rotich (Kenya), Secretary – Mr Clement Uwimana (Rwanda)) 5. Working Group 5 – Monographs (Convenor – Prof. Maurice Iwu (Nigeria), Secretary – Uduak Udoso (Nigeria)) 6. Working Group 6 – Treatment procedures and codes of practice (Convenor – Prof. Isaac Asuzu (Nigeria), Secretary – Dr. Christy Isitua (Nigeria)) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee Key Information The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC), have partnered with the African Organisation for Standardisation (ARSO), to launch a new Arab-Africa Trade Bridges Program (AATB) initiative called the Harmonisation of Standards for Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices in Africa, aimed at promoting quality and safety of medicines and medical devices imported or produced on the continent. ARSO TC 82 Work items distributed to the Working Groups Working Group 1 Terminology and Documentation 1. ISO 19465:2017, Traditional Chinese medicine — Categories of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinical terminological systems 2. ISO/TR 23975:2019, Traditional Chinese medicine — Priority list of single herbal medicines for developing standards 3. ISO/TS 22990:2019, Traditional Chinese medicine — Categories of clinical terminological system to support the integration of clinical terms from traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine 4. WD-ARS 968:2021, African Traditional Medicine — Guidelines for pharmacovigilance 5. NWIP Standardising way of naming plants (vernacular naming) Report have a format. 6. NWIP Terms and terminology for information (NMI) automation Working Group 2 Cultivation Quality and safety of raw materials 1. ISO 18664:2015, Traditional Chinese Medicine — Determination of heavy metals in herbal medicines used in Traditional Chinese Medicine 2. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Herbal decoction apparatus 3. ISO 19609-1:2021, Traditional Chinese medicine — Quality and safety of raw materials and manufacturing products made with raw materials — Part 1: General requirements 4. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Quality and safety of raw materials and manufacturing products made with raw materials — Part 1: General requirements 5. ISO 19609-2:2021, Traditional Chinese medicine — Quality and safety of raw materials and manufacturing products made with raw materials — Part 2: Identity testing of constituents of herbal origin 6. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Quality and safety of raw materials and manufacturing products made with raw materials — Part 2: Identity testing of constituents of herbal origin 7. ISO 19610:2017, Traditional Chinese medicine — General requirements for industrial manufacturing process of red ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) 8. ISO 19617:2018, Traditional Chinese medicine — General requirements for the manufacturing process of natural products 9. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — General requirements for the manufacturing process of natural products 10. ISO 21300:2019, Traditional Chinese medicine — Guidelines and specification for Chinese materia medica 11. ISO 22217:2020, Traditional Chinese medicine —Storage requirements for raw materials and decoction pieces 12. NWIP African Traditional Medicine —Storage requirements for raw materials and decoction pieces 13. ISO 22258:2020, Traditional Chinese medicine — Determination of pesticide residues in natural products by gas chromatography 14. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Determination of pesticide residues in natural products by gas chromatography 15. ISO 22283:2020, Traditional Chinese medicine — Determination of aflatoxins in natural products by LC-FLD 16. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Determination of aflatoxins in natural products by LC-FLD 17. ISO/AWI 19609-3, Traditional Chinese medicine — Quality and safety of natural materials and manufacturing products made with natural materials — Part 3: Part 3: Testing of the absence of contaminants 18. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Quality and safety of natural materials and manufacturing products made with natural materials — Part 3: Testing of the absence of contaminants 19. ISO/AWI 19609-4, Traditional Chinese medicine — Quality and safety of natural materials and manufacturing products made with natural materials — Part 4: Part 4: Testing of preservatives and non-wanted compounds 20. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Quality and safety of natural materials and manufacturing products made with natural materials — Part 4: Part 4: Testing of Preservatives and non wanted compounds 21. ISO/DIS 22467, Traditional Chinese medicine — Determination of microorganism in natural products 22. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Determination of microorganism in natural products 23. WD-ARS 957:2021, Assessing quality of herbal medicines with reference to contaminants and residues 24. WD-ARS 961:2021, Packaging and labelling of raw medicinal plant materials 25. WD-ARS 963:2021, Requirements for packaging and labelling of ATM remedies 26. WD-ARS 967:2021, Sustainability procedures for medicinal plant resources 27. NWIP Minimum labelling requirements for ATM remedies 28. NWIP Codes for dominant endangered plant species (sustainable cultivation, collection and processing) Plantago spps Working Group 3 Quality, safety and efficacy of manufactured ATM products 1. ISO 21371:2018, Traditional Chinese medicine — Labelling requirements of products intended for oral or topical use 2. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Labelling requirements of products intended for oral or topical use 3. ISO/FDIS 19609-1, Traditional Chinese medicine — Quality and safety of raw materials and manufacturing products made with raw materials — Part 1: General requirements 4. ISO/FDIS 19609-2, Traditional Chinese medicine — Quality and safety of raw materials and manufacturing products made with raw materials — Part 2: Identity testing of constituents of herbal origin 5. ISO/TS 21310:2020, Traditional Chinese medicine — Microscopic examination of medicinal herbs 6. ISO/WD 19609-3, Traditional Chinese medicine — Quality and safety of natural materials and manufacturing products made with natural materials — Part 3: Part 3: Testing of the absence of contaminants 7. ISO/WD 19609-4.2, Traditional Chinese medicine — Quality and safety of natural materials and manufacturing products made with natural materials — Part 4: Part 4: Testing of preservatives and non-wanted compounds 8. WD-ARS 960:2021, Procedures for processing medicinal plants 9. WD-ARS 962:2021, Storage of raw materials and prepared ATM remedies 10. WD-ARS 965:2021, Preparation of ATM remedies 11. WD-ARS 966:2021, Safety and quality of tools used in ATM 12. NWIPGL Technical guidelines for safety, efficacy & quality 13. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Determination of sulfur dioxide in natural products by titration 14. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — General requirement of manufacturing procedure and its quality assurance for granules Working Group 4 Medical Devices and Equipment 1. ISO 17218:2014, Sterile acupuncture needles for single use 2. ISO 18615:2020, Traditional Chinese medicine — General requirements of electric radial pulse tonometric devices 3. ISO 18665:2015, Traditional Chinese medicine — Herbal decoction apparatus 4. ISO 18666:2015, Traditional Chinese medicine — General requirements of moxibustion devices 5. ISO 18746:2016, Traditional Chinese medicine — Sterile intradermal acupuncture needles for single use 6. ISO 19611:2017, Traditional Chinese medicine — Air extraction cupping device 7. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Air extraction cupping device 8. ISO 20495:2018, Traditional Chinese medicine — Skin electrical resistance measurement devices 9. ISO 21291:2019, Traditional Chinese medicine —Therapeutic fumigation devices 10. NWIP African Traditional Medicine —Therapeutic fumigation devices 11. ISO 22213:2020, Traditional Chinese medicine — Glass cupping device 12. NWIP African Traditional Medicine — Glass cupping device 13. ISO/TS 20758:2019, Traditional Chinese medicine — Abdominal physiological parameter detectors 14. WD-ARS 980 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Powder mixers 15. WD-ARS 981 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Tea bagging machine — Specifications 16. WD-ARS 982 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Hot air oven — Specifications 17. WD-ARS 983 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Coding machine — Specifications 18. WD-ARS 984 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Mixing tanks — Specification 19. WD-ARS 985 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Grinding machine — Specification 20. WD-ARS 986 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Infusion tanks — Specification 21. WD-ARS 987 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Liquid filling machine — Specification 22. WD-ARS 988 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Manual Capsule filling machines (encapsulators) — Specification 23. WD-ARS 989 2021 African Traditional Medicine — Medical Devices and Equipment — Semi auto Capsule filling machines — Specification Working Group 5 Monographs 1. WD-ARS 956-5-1:2021, ATM — MPS — Anacardium occidentale — Part 5-1: Seed-nut 2. WD-ARS 956-5-2:2021, ATM — MPS — Anacardium occidentale — Part 5-2: Leaves and aerial parts 3. WD-ARS 956-5-3:2021, ATM — MPS — Anacardium occidentale — Part: 5-3 Apple 4. WD-ARS 956-6:2021, ATM — MPS — Moringa oleifera 5. WD-ARS 956-7:2021, ATM — MPS — Prunus africana 6. WD-ARS 956-8:2021, ATM — MPS — Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf) 7. WD-ARS 956-9:2021, ATM — MPS — Dioscorea bulbifera 8. WD-ARS 956-10:2021, ATM — MPS — Adansonia digitata 9. WD-ARS 956-11:2021, ATM — MPS — Garcinia kola 10. WD-ARS 956-12:2021, ATM — MPS — Hibiscus sabdariffa 11. WD-ARS 956-13:2021, ATM — MPS — Irvingia gabonensis 12. WD-ARS 956-14:2021, ATM — MPS — Ocimum gratissimum (scent leaf) 13. WD-ARS 956-15:20210, ATM – MPS – Carica papaya 14. WD-ARS 956-16:2021, ATM – MPS – Acacia Senegal 15. WD-ARS 956-17:2021, ATM – MPS – Acacia seyal 16. ARS 950:2021, African Traditional Medicine — Terms and terminology 17. ARS 951: 2021, African Traditional Medicine — Good manufacturing practices (GMP) for herbal medicines 18. ARS 952: 2021, African Traditional Medicine — Guidelines on good agricultural and collection practices (GACP) for medicinal plants 19. ARS 953: 2021, African Traditional Medicine — Certification schemes for medicinal plant produce 20. ARS 954: 2021, Minimum requirements for registration of traditional medicines 21. ARS 955: 2021, African Traditional Medicine — Technical guidelines for safety, efficacy and quality of raw materials and herbal medicines 22. ARS 956-1: 2021, African Traditional Medicine — Medicinal plant standards —Aloe vera L. Burm.f. 23. ARS 956-2: 2021, African Traditional Medicine — Medicinal plant standards — Ambrosia maritima L. 24. ARS 956-3: 2021, African Traditional Medicine —- Medicinal plant standards — Urtica dioica L. 25. ARS 956-4: 2021, African Traditional Medicine — Medicinal plant standards — Calotropis procera (Ait) R. Br. Working Group 6 Treatment procedures and codes of practise 1. ISO 22256:2020, Traditional Chinese medicine — Detection of irradiated natural products by photostimulated luminescence 2. WD-ARS 958:2021, Consumer guidance on good preparation and use of ATM 3. WD-ARS 959:2021, Basic training guidelines for providers of traditional medicine 4. WD-ARS 964:2021, Certification of herbal medicine production facilities 5. WD-ARS 969:2021, African Traditional Medicine — Code of Ethics
ARSO/TC 83, Agriculture and biotechnology
Scope Standardization in the field of agricultural biotechnology including methods of production, processing, distribution and marketing of crops, animals and their products derived from biotechnological processes and other nonconventional techniques. The standards may include terminology, codes of practice, good agriculture practice, organic agriculture, guidelines, sustainability criteria, labelling, methods of sampling and test. Equivalent Committees: ISO/TC 276, Biotechnology ISO/TC 34/SC 16, Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis
ARSO/Project Committee 01, Research Management
Scope Standardization of Good Research Management Practice (GRMP) in the African research ecosystem. Equivalent Committee: ISO/TC 171, Document management applications ISO/TC 225, Market, opinion and social research Participating Member States (1) Algeria, (2) Botswana, (3) Ethiopia, (4) Malawi, (5) South Africa, (6) Tanzania, (7) Tunisia, (8) Uganda, (9) Zambia, (10) Zimbabwe Leadership Chairperson: To be determined Secretary: To be determined Key Work Items Good Research Management Practice (GRMP) Standard Key Information This harmonization work will be conducted with sponsorship and funding by the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) which had previously supported the harmonization of ARS 1651:2018, Good Financial Grant Practice — Requirements
ARSO/ Project Committee PC 02, Cassava value chain products
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ARSO/ Project Committee PC 03, Insects for Food, Feed and Derived Products
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Specialized Working Group on Mutual Recognition Arrangements (SWG 01: MRAs)
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Specialized Working Group on the 4th Industrial revolution (SWG 02: A4IR)
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Specialized Working Group on Cannabis (SWG 03: Cannabis)
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Specialized Working Group on .... (SWG 04: ...)
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Specialized Working Group on Body Measurements and Fashions (SWG 05: Body Measurements and Fashions)
Participating Member States: (1) Botswana (2) Egypt (3) Ethiopia (4) Ghana (5) Kenya (6) Nigeria (7) South Africa (8)Tunisia Leadership Chairperson: Ghana – Prof Charles Frimpong Secretary: Ghana -Ms. Deborah Kusi Appiah Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) Harmonised and Published African Standards Standards under development Click Here to Download the Techncial Commitee Current Work Plan Schedule of Meetings – Calender Link Click Here to Submit or Propose a New Work Item under this Technical Committee