ARSO Strategic Plan 2022 to 2027

ARSO Strategic Plan 2022 to 2027

The ARSO Strategic Plan was developed with the objective to guide the work of ARSO and align it with the needs of the African continent, while putting ownership on the various stakeholders of ARSO. It is the result of an intensive consultative process with stakeholders that include African National Standards Bodies (NSB), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), private sector, International Standards Development Organisations amongst others.

The strategic plan is a roadmap for where ARSO plans to take the continent, it is understood to be a “living document” that will be implemented and continually developed by ARSO stakeholders.

The ARSO strategic plan supports the needs and interests of African society at large, business, policy makers and state regulators as it seeks to ensure that standardisation contributes to intra-Africa trade while opening up global markets for Africa with the ultimate goal of positively impacting the socio-economic well-being of Africans. ARSO will make every effort to call upon those who develop, use or make reference to standards to contribute to the implementation of the strategic plan as appropriate.

The  Strategic Goals of ARSO within the ARSO Strategic Framework 2022 – 2027 are:

Goal 1: Build a quality culture and contribute to industrialization of Africa

Goal 2: Stakeholders value ARS and have easy access to standardisation information

Goal 3: Develop and implement a robust and integrated African standardisation system

Goal 4: Ensure ARSO Sustainability

International House, 3rd Floor,
Nairobi, Kenya

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm


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